FATHER’S DAY GIFT IDEA: Handmade Italian Salame

Some foods, once tasted, can never be forgotten. Nothing will ever be as good. That’s how we feel about the handmade Italian salami (or salame, as it is properly called in Italy) from Creminelli Fine Meat of Seattle. The Creminelli family has been producing artisan meat products in Italy since the 1600. More recently, in…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Beef Temperature (Well Done Burgers, Anyone?)

Do we have to cook this beautiful beef towell done? Maybe not. Photo by FCAFotoDigital | IST.   Because ground meat has been a significant source of foodborne illness, the USDA advises consumers to use a meat thermometer when cooking burgers. In other words, you should not rely on eyeballing the internal color of the…
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RECIPE: 21 Club Burger For National Hamburger Day

Sometimes, there are standouts that define a genre. The ‘21’ Burger by Executive Chef John Greeley of New York’s famed 21 Club focuses most of his efforts on fine cuisine. At 21 Club, though, customers also want a luxury burger. In honor of National Hamburger Day, May 28th, here’s Chef Greeley’s recipe, which uses duck…
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A bison burger stuffed with gorgonzolacheese and sundried tomatoes. Photocourtesy WMMB.   Planning a cookout for Memorial Day? Try bison burgers—a healthier alternative to beef. One burger has less fat than a skinless chicken breast. Yet despite the low fat level, the taste is sumptuous. We’ve grown to prefer bison to beef. Because bison has…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Hamburger History For National Hamburger Month

[1] One of our favorite burgers, from Built Burger. [2] Another fave: a bacon cheeseburger with onion rings (photo © Smokey Bones).   National Hamburger Month is May, but that’s not all. National/International Hamburger Day is May 28th, National Burger Day is the Thursday before Labor Day and National Cheeseburger Day is September 18th. How…
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