RECIPE: Slow Cooker Pulled Pork

When you’re having a crowd, a popular main course and fuss-free recipe is pulled pork. Pulled pork is a method of cooking where a tough cut of meat is cooked slowly at low temperatures, allowing the meat to become tender enough so that it can be “pulled,” or easily broken into tender pieces. This recipe…
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PRODUCT & GIFT: Perky Jerky, Now In Flavors

There’s only a week left until Christmas, but you can click on over to get a boat load of one of our favorite snacks for gifting: Perky Jerky. This is tender, flavorful gourmet jerky with a twist: the meat is caffeinated. The manufacturer calls it “the world’s first all-natural performance enhancing meat snack.” Anyone who…
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TIP OF THE DAY: The Best Way To Thaw Meat

We’ve got the two best ways to go from freezer to plate. Photo courtesy   Many of us keep meat in the freezer and thaw it overnight in the fridge when we’re ready to use it. But how long can you keep that thawed meat before cooking it? Here’s the scoop from AG Local,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Choucroute Garnie

Now that there’s as chill in the air, the people of Alsace have been cooking up their famous recipe, Choucroute Garnie—pronounced shoo-CROOT gar-NEE and translating to dressed sauerkraut. The “dressing” consists of sausages and other salted meats and, typically, potatoes. It’s stick-to-your-ribs goodness on a chilly day. You know it’s autumn when the dish appears…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Pumpkin Seed Chicken Or Fish

Give chicken breasts or fish fillets a harvest touch with this recipe, which employs a pumpkin seed crust, adding flavor and nutrition. It’s a great idea, but we must admit: We have no idea where this recipe came from. We found it in a drafts folder, without the attribution that we attach to all outside…
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