PRODUCT REVIEW: Mexican & Hispanic Cheeses

An appetizer of queso fresco cheese with hot mango salsa from Eat Wisconsin Cheese. Here’s the recipe.   Half of the top 10 fastest-growing cheeses at retail are Hispanic-style cheeses. There are more than a dozen types of Hispanic cheeses available in the U.S. We took a giant nibble and ate them all. While some…
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NEWS: Conveyor Belt Sushi Chain Comes To U.S.

Now, your surf clam can surf over to you via conveyor belt.   Is America about to experience conveyor-belt sushi in a big way? Known as kaiten-sushi, a branch of the largest chain, Sakae Sushi, has made the leap to America (“leap” is an appropriate analogy, since the company logo is a frog on a…
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It’s National Tortilla Chip Day: History Of Tortilla Chips & Recipes

[1] Tortilla chips are made with yellow, white and blue corn. Riding the whole grain nutrition wave, they’re also made in multigrain blends (photo © Garden of Eatin’). [2] Two favorite dips: guacamole and pico de gallo salsa (photo © Good Eggs). [3] “Liberty chips” blend red, white and blue tortilla chips (photo © Nature’s…
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PRODUCT WATCH: Chipilo Crema ~ Authentic Mexican Cultured Sour Cream

A few months ago, we went to a press reception where we were introduced to the wonders of Chipilo Authentic Mexican Crema. Crema, or cream, which is what Mexicans call cultured sour cream. If you are a sour cream lover, it will take you higher—in a slightly different way than Ike and Tina Turner, but…
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REVIEW: Devya Indian Gourmet Simmer Sauces

Gourmet Indian in a flash.   If you’ve wanted to do some Indian cooking but were intimidated by the thought of Indian sauce recipes, Devya Indian Gourmet has the solution. Three simmer sauces—Butter Chicken, Channa Masala and Vegetable Curry—plus a Tandoori Chicken marinade, offer quick-and-easy preparation of Indian favorites. The spice level is authentic but…
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