NEWS: Penguin Ice Water Served At Inaugural Ball

We just learned that Penguin Ice waters was served at The Green Ball, held in Washington D.C.’s historic Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium on Inauguration weekend. Designed by noted San Francisco architect Arthur Brown, Jr. between 1926 and 1931, the Mellon Auditorium was completed in 1934 and is the central focus of a tripartite building group…
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TRENDS: Gastroporn, Or, How To Make Vegetables Erotic

How times change! Animal rights organization PETA has turned the other cheek. Previously, members of the organization attracted publicity by throwing red paint (signifying blood) onto fur coats. Now they’ve recalled the bet between the sun and the wind over who could get the man to take his coat off. (The wind blew and blew…
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NEWS: Winter Fancy Food Show 2009

Essential Cane, our Bronze Star winner from the 2009 Winter Fancy Show, dazzled with a dozen flavors of cane sugar, including Green Chili, Habañero and Sweet Onion. Who took the Silver? See the complete article. Amazing! In the midst of an economic downturn, the 34th Winter Fancy Food Show matched all-time records with 16,000 attendees…
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NEWS: No Surprise ~ Restaurant Closings Are Up

The national restaurant count has slipped for first time in eight years, according to a news release from The NPD Group, a market research firm. Typically, the number of U.S. restaurants grows each year, with increases of 1.8 percent in 2007 and 0.4 percent in 2006, for example. The number of total restaurant locations in…
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DISCOUNT: Heavenly Soufflé For Valentine’s Day

Want to send your sweetie (or Mom and Dad, for that matter) a sweet soufflé Valentine? It’s more creative than a box of chocolate, and in addition to Chocolate and Chocolate Mint, there are Raspberry and Pumpkin soufflés. Go to and use coupon code Val2009. Read our review of Heavenly Soufflé, a NIBBLE Top…
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