FOOD HOLIDAY: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day is June 9th. Rhubarb season is April through June, so you’ve got just a few more weeks to make this popular spring pie. Rhubarb first grew wild in northwest China, and was cultivated as far back as 5,000 years ago, for medicinal purposes. Technically, rhubarb is a vegetable, a member…
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RECIPE: Jelly Doughnuts

June 9th is National Jelly Doughnut Day. There’s an “official” food holiday almost every day of the year (see how to get a holiday named for your favorite food—or anything else). We tweet about all of the food holidays: Sign up to get the daily celebration at If you’ve ever made homemade doughnuts, you…
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NEWS: The Food Pyramid Becomes A Food Plate

We loved the old food pyramid. But not everyone likes to read charts as much as we do, or count off the number of fruit, veggie and grain servings. The original food pyramid, launched by the USDA in 1992, included the four food groups stacked in the shape of a pyramid with the number of…
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Mix Up A Half & Half, Arnold Palmer, Or Shandy (& The Arnold Palmer History)

When you think of a refreshing warm-weather drink, do you think of beer, iced tea, lemonade, or ginger ale? If you mix two of them together in a half-and-half drink, you’ll create a summer refresher: an Arnold Palmer or a Shandy, depending on the recipe. You can purchase them ready-bottled; but like most things, homemade…
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