RECIPES: Presidential Candidate Cocktails

Call it “True Blue” if you wish, but the official name for this cocktail is Barack Rocks.   What are you planning to serve guests when you watch the Democratic and Republic National Conventions? Raise a glass to your favorite with these two recipes. Better yet, be bipartisan and enjoy both cocktails! Regardless of your…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Tortellini Kebabs

Tortellini and cheese kebabs are a different twist on a party favorite—and they go great with wine and beer. Cook, cool and marinate cheese and/or spinach tortellini in a vinaigrette or bottled Italian dressing. Drain and alternate on skewers with cubes of ham, salami, cheese (small mozzarella balls or perlini are perfect) and chunks of…
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RECIPES: Classic Summer Cocktails

The ever-popular Margarita seems to be a classic with every generation.   Modern mixology, like today’s fine cuisine, has become a throw-down to see who can create the most complex, fascinating drinks with new flavors and nifty ingredients. In the process of entertaining cocktail customers with new wow factors, many of the classic drinks have…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Goat or Sheep Tasting

Mount McKinley, a Nibble Top Pick, is a shepherd’s-style aged goat cheese unfamiliar to most people: sharp, earthy and nutty. Photo by B.A. Van Sise.   The next time you’re deciding on what cheeses to serve, select the entire group from either goat’s or sheep’s milk. From fresh chèvre to blue to Parmesan- and Cheddar-like…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Designer Ice Cubes

Gussy up your plain water with herbs, citrus peel or cucumber-embedded ice cubes. Photo © Liv Friis-larsen | Fotolia.   Make your ice cubes a focus of attention by freezing fruit, herbs or small vegetables in the cubes. For sweet drinks, add a raspberry, small strawberry, red grape, mint leaf or lemon peel curl to…
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