TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Bacon And Chocolate

Chocolate with bacon and pistachios, chocolate bacon peanut butter cups and spicy bacon toffee. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   From coast to coast, from farmers’ markets to fine restaurants, the pairing of chocolate and bacon is the hottest combination to come along since salted caramels. Artisan confectioners have hopped onto the chocolate-and-bacon…
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EVENT: Favorite Finds At The 2011 New York Chocolate Show

Antidote Chocolate combines raw and roasted cacao beans in high-percentage-cacao, flavored chocolate bars. Photo courtesy Antidote Chocolate.   Every November, the Chocolate Show wends its way to New York. Begun in Paris, its current tour includes that city along with Lille, Lyon and Marseille in France; plus Bologna, Cairo and Shanghai. Each show presents a…
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HALLOWEEN: Festive Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

Show of hands: Are these Halloween strawberries cuter than yesterday’s meringue ghost cookies? Not as cute? A tie? You can send them as a gift, via Or you can make your own. You can even plan a strawberry-decorating get-together this weekend. Ask a friend or two if they want to bring their own ingredients…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Tips For Storing Chocolate

If you only occasionally bake with chocolate, it’s easy to end up with leftover blocks and bars. How long can you keep the chocolate? Dark chocolate can last for two years or more. Milk chocolate and white chocolate should be kept for under a year, because the milk content in them deteriorates. Store chocolate tightly…
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