TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Polska Foods Pierogi

Today is National Pierogi Day. How we miss the pierogi of our youth. Now that Nana is gone, we have searched in vain in both stores and restaurants to recapture the glory of her homemade pierogi. Finally, we’ve found it with the excellent pierogi from Polska Foods. Yes, they are pierogis that are as good…
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TIP OF THE DAY: 50+ Ways To Eat Pierogi

October 8th is National Pierogi Day. Pierogi* are dumplings of Central and Eastern European origin, traditionally stuffed with cheese, fruit, ground meat, mashed potato or sauerkraut. They can be served boiled baked or fried/sautéed, usually in butter with sautéed onions. Pierogi is the Polish word. In Russian the term is pelmeni (don’t confuse pierogi with…
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