GOURMET GIVEAWAY #2: Aequare Fine Chocolates

Pretty patterns abound with Aequare Fine Chocolates. Photo by Emily Chang | THE NIBBLE. Ecuadorian cacao is prized worldwide for its full body, floral aroma and deep chocolate flavor. If you win this week’s chocolate Gourmet Giveaway from Aequare Fine Chocolates, you’ll have an opportunity to taste the company’s line of artisan bonbons and chocolate…
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GOURMET GIVEAWAY #1: Doodles Gluten-Free Cookie Mixes

Doodles cookie mixes are gluten-free but they’re soooo good, we fought over the last crumbs—and then named them a Top Pick Of The Week. And no one at THE NIBBLE is gluten-intolerant! These magical mixes will become favorites with anyone who is looking for a home-baked treat, but are a godsend for people with gluten…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Uses For Excess Nougat

Delicious nougat from PistaciaVera.com. Nougat is a confection made of egg whites, toasted almonds or other nuts, and sugar or honey. Gourmet nougat is appearing on the scene. If you’re given a gift of nougat and you’re not inclined to devour the box, what to do with it? • You can store it in the…
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PRODUCT: Red Velvet Cookies

We’re not fans of red velvet cake. We just don’t find a lot of flavor in it. We don’t want faint hints of cocoa: We want chocolate cake (or banana cake or buttery yellow cake or anything with lots of taste). But we can’t deny that red velvet cake has become a national craze—so much…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Chicken Sausage

Turn a Waldorf Salad, made with apples and walnuts, into a Sausage Waldorf with apple chicken sausage. Photo courtesy AlFrescoAllNatural.com. Most of us reach for pork sausage at the supermarket—it’s what we grew up with. But demand for healthier foods has created a robust business in chicken sausage. Just by switching to chicken over pork…
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