TIP OF THE DAY: Cranberry Royale Cocktail

Along with all of the wine recommendations below, here’s our favorite holiday apéritif, a version of a Kir Royale (Champagne with framboise—raspberry liqueur). Instead, serve Cranberry Royales as an apéritif this holiday season, a combination of cranberry liqueur and any sparkling wine. 1. First pour the cranberry liqueur into a Champagne flute—an inch or more,…
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WINE: Wine For Thanksgiving

Lots of food needs lots of wine. Photo courtesy iGourmet.com. Red wine, white wine, rosé, bubbly…which wine should you serve with your turkey? No matter what the book says (a fruity red), your guests may not “read the book.” Since some people are inveterate white wine drinkers, the best option is to offer both red…
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