GREAT EVENT: Kids Food Festival

Mark your calendars for The Kids Food Festival, an annual event that teaches kids and their parents the art of healthy eating in a fun, non-preachy way. Given the growth of Americans’ girth, we can never have enough opportunities to re-enforce how to make balanced food choices and create good lifelong eating habits. When kids…
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EVENT: Kids Food Fest In NYC, August 26th-27th

Got kids? Got kids who should learn to eat better—while having fun? Take the family to the Kids Food Fest, Saturday and Sunday August 26th and 27th. The Kids Food Fest is a celebration to educate families about making balanced food choices—choices everyone needs to create wholesome, lifelong eating habits. (Parents: You, too can learn…
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TIP OF THE DAY: 3-D Animal Crackers

If you like to bake cookies, try your hand at something different: 3-D cookies. They’re sold by a British novelty products company called Suck UK (why ask why?), and available on Amazon. The zoo animal cookie cutter set contains a mother and baby. Each set has four cutters: two bodies and two pairs of legs,…
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FOOD FUN: “Eyeball” Meatball Sandwiches Or Subs

[1] Here’s looking at you! Eyeball meatball sandwich from BBQ Bob Trudnak | BBQ Guru. [2] French rolls are crusty on the outside, with an elegant crumb on the inside. They can be round dinner rolls, oblong or square sandwich rolls; the artisan versions have a dusting of flour. They’re easy to make at home…
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