PRODUCT: Lipton Natural Energy Tea

We come from a tea-drinking family, and the tea of choice in the olden days of our childhood was Lipton. There was no “gourmet tea” back then, unless you went to the one place in town, in Greenwich Village, where they sold loose tea (and most people considered it an oddity). As we grew into…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Truffle Oil Spray

It’s truffle season, and while we love the aroma and flavor of truffles, our budget doesn’t afford them often. So when we encountered an easily affordable spray bottle of Grand’Aroma Truffle Flavored Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Fratelli Mantova, we thought, “Why not?” We know that most truffle oils are flavored with “truffle essence”—laboratory approximations…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Macarons From Dana’s Bakery & Great Gifts

White Chocolate Peppermint Bark, a seasonal macaron flavor. Photo courtesy Dana’s Bakery.   Dana Loia, we want you to be our new BFF. Dana is the creative force behind Dana’s Bakery, specializing in macarons. Her macarons rock—even more than other good macarons, because she’s quite the flavor artist as well as a designer, creating beautiful…
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PRODUCT: Jolie’s Kronies, Cousin Of The Cronut

If you’ve been hankering for one of Dominique Ansel’s famous Cronuts but are neither willing nor able to wait in line at 5 a.m., we can recommend an excellent subsitute: Jolie’s Kronies, made by a Bronx baker. You don’t have to wait for them. You can order them by phone and send a messenger. The…
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