PRODUCT: Matcha To Go

“Instant” matcha tea: a luxury we love. Photo courtesy Aiya-America.   “Japanese Matcha Remade For The Modern World,” says the box of Matcha To Go. Isn’t that the truth! Until very recently, matcha, the ceremonial powdered green tea of Japan, was consumed only by whisking Matcha to Go, imported from Japan, is produced to dissolve…
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BOOK: Dumplings All Day Wong

A dumpling lover’s treasure. Photo courtesy Page Street Publishing.   We loved chef Lee Anne Wong on the first season of Top Chef. She’s out with her first cookbook, Dumplings All Day Wong, focusing on Asian dumplings. Says Chef Lee Anne: “Biting into a hot, fresh, juicy dumpling can be a transcendent moment, the kind…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Seasonal Cider

Get it before it disappears from the shelves. Photo courtesy Angry Orchard Cider Company.   This may well be your last weekend to pick up seasonal summer hard ciders, before producers replace them with fall blends. We received a shipment of Angry Orchard Elderflower Hard Cider, and have been saving it to serve this weekend.…
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PRODUCT: Smartfood Movie Theater Butter Popcorn

Smartfood, a Frito-Lay brand, has made popcorn in Kettle Corn, Sea Salt and White Cheddar. And now, there’s Movie Theatre Butter. Recently, Smartfood send us samples of their Movie Theater Butter flavor. As the name promises, it is very buttery (the ingredients include real butter). You get buttery flavor without buttery fingers. The popcorn is…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Nonni’s Biscotti Bites

We want many bites! Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   The history of Nonni’s Biscotti begins in the little town of Lucca, Italy, in the heart of Tuscany. There, among meandering cobblestone lanes and venerable piazzas, one particular Nonni (an endearing term for Grandma) made biscotti for her family and friends. When Nonni…
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