How To Stop Food Waste For Earth Day & Every Day

With so many people going hungry in the U.S. (much less, worldwide), it’s shocking how much food we waste. It’s not just us, the consumers. It’s the whole food chain, from “ugly” produce left to rot in the field, to problems with transportation and storage, to foods thrown out by grocers, foodservice, etc. In fact,…
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FOOD 101: The History Of Strawberries For National Strawberry Month

[1] Fresh strawberries (photo © InHarvest). [2] Strawberry lemonade (photo © La Cocina Color Lila). [3] Strawberry milkshake (photo © Friendship Dairies). [4] A flowering strawberry plant. The fruit grows from the flower (photo © John-Mark Smith | UnsplashUnsplash). [5] Strawberry plant (photo © Chris Yang | UnsplashUnsplash).   May is National Strawberry Month. Is…
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