RECIPE: Peppermint Crunch Marshmallows

TOP PHOTOS: Minty marshmallow marvels for Christmas snacking. BOTTOM PHOTO: Buying peppermint candy crunch saves you the time of trying to evenly crush whole peppermints or candy canes. Photo courtesy King Arthur Flour. Photos courtesy King Arthur Flour.   To bring to a party or for homemade gifts, marshmallows are a delightful alternative to cookies.…
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RECIPE: Candy Cane Whipped Cream, Egg Nog Whipped Cream

Garnish your holiday desserts and beverages with a festive dollop of peppermint-flavored, candy cane-swirled whipped cream. It’s especially delicious on chocolate cake, pound cake, and angel cake.     RECIPE #1: CANDY CANE WHIPPED CREAM Ingredients For 16 Servings 1 cup heavy cream 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon pure…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Things To Do With Candy Canes

[1] The harbinger of Yuletide (photo © Candy Warehouse). [2] Multicolor candy canes from Hammond’s Candies, producer of “gourmet” candy canes (photo © Hammond’s Candies).   A candy cane is more than a snack or Christmas tree decoration. We also like to use them as dinner table decor: Fold a candy cane into each napkin,…
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GOURMET GIVEAWAY #1 ~ Designer Christmas Tree

This year, deck your halls differently with a Christmas tree from Treetopia, manufacturer of synthetic Christmas trees with attitude. The stylish trees come in a variety of types, sizes and colors, including the “Candy Cane” tree, this week’s prize. And it‘s not just for Christmas: Put blue ornaments on the tree and can use it…
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