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PRODUCT: Soy-Go Lactose Free Creamer

Can’t have milk in your coffee? Try SOY GO.

  One of our staff was recently diagnosed with lactose intolerance.

She switched to lactose-free milk and so did the rest of our office (no sense having multiple cartons of milk, and lactose-free tastes the same as regular milk).

However, she found herself out of luck at many restaurants. She tried bringing soymilk in Tetra Pak cartons (think juice boxes) with her, but found it wasteful to use just a couple of tablespoons and toss the remainder.

Instead of learning to like black coffee, she took a tip from our vegan photographer and discovered SOY GO, a creamer made from soy powder—the soy equivalent of Coffee Mate.


  • Coffee Mate is lactose-free, but it’s full of glucose, hydrogenated vegetable oil (a trans fat), palm kernel and/or soybean oil, sodium caseinate, dipotassium phosphate, sodium aluminum silicate, monoglycerides, aceylated tartaric esters of mono- and diglycerides, and artificial flavor and coloring.
  • In comparison, Soy Go is all natural, 100% organic, non-GMO and vegan. The ingredients are the finest soy powder, sugar, natural color, xanthan gum (a stabilizer), inulin (a fiber used to replace fat), natural flavors, dipotassium phosphate (prevents coagulation) and salt. It does requires more stirring to dissolve than Coffee Mate.
    There are 10 calories per packet. Each packet also contains one gram of fiber and one gram of protein. Packets are designed to “cream” a mug with 8 to 10 ounces of coffee.

    If you can’t find it locally (try health food stores and Whole Foods), you can buy it online.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Make Chocolate Curls

    We have lots of chocolate bars and pieces of chocolate that have been nibbled on for reviews, as well as blocks of couverture chocolate (used for baking).

    When life gives you extra chocolate bars, make chocolate curls.

    Also known as shaved chocolate, the curls can be used to garnish cake, ice cream, pudding, hot chocolate (or iced hot chocolate), cappuccino or anything that can benefit from a bit of chocolate glamor.

    You can make dark, milk or white chocolate curls—or a combination. We’re particularly fond of white chocolate curls atop dark chocolate frosting.

    TIP: If you won’t be using the curls immediately, place them in a storage container instead of on a cookie sheet.

    Chocolate curls are a pretty garnish that
    adds an intense bite of chocolate.

    In addition to the chocolate, you’ll need a vegetable peeler, cookie sheet or storage container (we use a low, square Tupperware-type container), waxed paper and a toothpick (we use tiny tongs that our grandmother used to add saccharine tablets to her tea).

    For small curls, shave the narrow side of the bar; for wide curls, shave the broad side of the bar. You may have to practice to get the pressure right (maintain a steady pressure and speed).

    1. The chocolate bar needs to be softened: hard enough to shave, but not so hard as to be brittle. We put our bar in a cold oven for half an hour, or on the stove top for 10 minutes on each side (to be warmed by the pilot light).

    2. While the chocolate softens, cover a cookie sheet or the inside of a square or rectangular plastic storage container with waxed paper.

    3. Make the chocolate curls by drawing the vegetable peeler across the chocolate. Don’t use a light touch, as with a potato or carrot. You’ll need a strong and steady stroke.

    4. Use the toothpick to lift the curls gently onto the waxed paper. If you’ll be using them shortly, place them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to harden. Otherwise, store them in an airtight container in a cool place (we keep them near the vent of our kitchen air conditioner). Some people refrigerate them, but the quick transition from cold to a warm room can cause the chocolate to bloom.

    Once you get the hang of it, we think you’ll be using chocolate curls a lot!


    Check out our Gourmet Chocolate Section for tips, recipes, reviews, trivia and more.

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Serve Ice Cream Or Sorbet “Demitasse”

    An easy and impressive ice cream dessert.
    Photo courtesy Talenti Gelato.

    Here’s an ice cream recipe idea for a sweet yet light ending to a big dinner: ice cream demitasse.

    Use your demitasse (espresso) cups to serve small portions of ice cream or sorbet. They will be just enough to qualify as dessert, but not enough to go overboard after a big meal.

    Surprise your guests with a second flavor underneath.

    Garnish with a raspberry, lemon curl or chocolate shaving, and you’ve got a hit!

  • Ice Cream Glossary
  • The History Of Ice Cream


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    TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Talenti Gelato & Sorbetto

    Fruit ices are thousands of years old, dating back to ancient China.

    But gelato, the first type of ice cream (see below for the difference between the two), is comparatively recent. It likely dates to Florence, Italy in the late 16th century.

    Some culinary historians believe that a multi-talented genius named Bernardo Buontalenti created gelato. Buontalenti, who spent his life in the employ of the Medici family, was, among other things, the impresario of the fabulous Medici banquets.

    While no historical record exists to credit Buontalenti with the invention, we can imagine the first time people tasted gelato at a huge Medici banquet.

    And whatever the history, the happy result is that we have gelato today.

    Talenti gelato is named after Buontalenti. We’ve had a great time tasting our way through the line, from the classic chocolate and vanilla to the subtle coconut to the sorbetti, which include an outstanding peach.

    Cool off this summer with a few pints.


    Talenti’s dense and delicious gelato, in pints
    and quarts. Photo courtesy Talenti.


    Talenti is available at fine food stores nationwide; there’s a store locator on the company website.

  • Read the full review.
  • Discover the difference between ice cream and gelato.

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    Iced Tea History, Facts & Trivia For National Iced Tea Month

    [1] The Tea-Over-Ice Brewing Pitcher from
    Tea Forte.

    A Glass Of Iced Tea With A Fresh Fruit Garnish
    [2] Add a fresh fruit garnish to your iced tea (photo © Dante Restaurant | NYC).

    Glasses of iced tea garnished with fresh orange slices
    [3] Keep a carafe of brewed iced tea in the fridge (photo © Twinings).


    June is National Iced Tea Month; June 10th is National Iced Tea Day. Eighty percent of the tea drunk in the U.S. is bottled tea, meant to be served cold.

    Who invented iced tea?

    It’s possible that centuries ago, some wealthy* person (or servant) in the tea-growing nations of Ceylon, China, India or Japan may have taken some ice from the ice-house to cool down a cup of hot tea on a warm day.

    If it ever happened, the practice didn’t take hold, and no old recipes exist for it.

    > The different types of tea: a photo glossary.

    > The history of tea.


    *Before refrigeration, only the wealthy could afford to have ice cut from lakes and rivers in the winter and stored in ice houses for summer use. The oldest known ice house, built by a king in Persia, dates from about 1700 B.C.E. Most other people dug ice pits, lined with straw and sawdust. While commercial refrigeration was available by the late 1800s, the home refrigerator didn’t arrive until 1930. Prior to then, people used an insulated metal “ice box,” which held ice delivered from the “ice man” to keep perishables cold. When the ice melted, it was replaced.

    We don’t know who made the first iced tea, but we can approximate when it happened.

    The oldest known recipe for “sweet ice tea” (with lots of sugar) was published in 1879, in a community cookbook called “Housekeeping in Old Virginia” by Marion Cabell Tyree.

    The recipe calls for green tea, which was popular in the Colonies (Benjamin Franklin mentions it in his autobiography) before falling out of favor—likely because milk and sugar, the popular accompaniments, taste better in black tea.

    There’s also a newspaper clipping recounting the menu served at the 1890 Missouri State Reunion of Ex-Confederate Veterans, which included iced tea.

    What you’ll most likely find in books and online is that iced tea was inadvertently “invented” in St. Louis at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition (often called the 1904 World’s Fair, but that term was not yet in use).

    As the story goes, Richard Blechynden, a tea merchant, was having limited success getting people to taste his hot tea in the intense summer heat and humidity of St. Louis. He had the idea to add ice into the tea, thus creating a refreshing, cool drink.

    Blechynden is sometimes referred to as a tea plantation owner, but in fact, he was an Englishman employed as the India Tea Commissioner. He headed an initiative, begun in 1896, to publicize the black teas of India and Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka) to Americans.

    According to, Blechynden and his tea samples were in the elaborately designed India pavilion. When he realized that it was too hot to get the crowds to taste free samples of his hot tea, Blechynden and his team did something ingenious.

    They didn’t toss ice into the tea, as is commonly written. Instead, they created a cooling apparatus, filling several large bottles with brewed tea and placing the bottles upside-down on a stand that allowed the tea to flow through iced lead pipes, emerging chilled.

    The “iced” tea was a hit at the fair, and a real boon to India tea awareness. After the fair, Blechynden took the lead pipe apparatus to New York City, offering free iced tea to shoppers at Bloomingdale Brothers’ department store.

    Word spread, and iced black tea became a popular summertime drink. It led to recipes for tea punch, which included simple syrup, fruit juices (cherry, grape, lemon, orange and/or pineapple), lemon and/or orange slices, maraschino cherries, fresh mint and canned or preserved fruits.

    Blechynden’s efforts also raised the popularity of black tea as a hot drink. Interest in green tea faded—except to those who visited Japanese restaurants beginning around 1970—until the health-conscious 1990s.


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