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TIP OF THE DAY: Take The Chicory Challenge

Cichorium is a genus of plants that resemble wildflowers, with beautiful lavender or pale blue blossoms. But two of the six wild species, native to Europe, are cultivated for food: chicory and endive.

They can be enjoyed raw or cooked.

  • Common chicory, Cichorium intybus, is grown for its leaves, variously known as Belgian endive (red and white), endive, French endive, leaf chicory, radicchio or witloof. Some varieties are grown for their roots, which are used as a coffee substitute.
  • True endive, Cichorium endivia, is grown as a salad green. Curly endive (frisée or chicory frisée) and the broad-leafed escarole are also true endives.
    Though it is common to find chicories in restaurant dishes, they are far less often embraced by home cooks.

    Why? They are not excessively costly, nor are they particularly hard to find. And they’re a particularly healthy food: a good source of dietary fiber, folate, iron, potassium and vitamins B6, C, E and K.


    Some of the chicory group. From top left: escarole, leaf chicory, frisée (curly chicory), radicchio di Chiogga, radicchio di Treviso and Belgian endive. Photo courtesy

    The fact is, a lot of people don’t seem to like chicories, possibly due to their inherent bitterness. Perhaps in our country, where sugar is dumped into everything from bread to mustard and governments are looking at regulating the excessive amount of salt in prepared foods, people have been weaned away from the bitter flavor.

    Bitterness is an important taste in cooking and it has its place in balancing the saltiness, sweetness and acidity in many recipes. Give it a chance.

    The easiest way to soften the bitterness in chicories is to shock them in an ice bath. Simply plunge the vegetables into icy water (add ice cubes to cold tap water or refrigerated water) and leave them there for an hour or so. Then, give them a little nibble. If they’re still too bitter for your taste, repeat; continue to do so until you’re happy with the result. Then, remove and spin the leaves dry (if you don’t have a salad spinner, air drying is fine). You will be shocked (pun intended) at the difference it makes.

    If you are using the vegetable raw, remove the core from the head—the core is the most bitter part. With Belgian endive and radicchio, the easiest method is to cut the head in half lengthwise and then cut away the core.

    In addition to salad, you can cook chicories in any number of ways. Their heartiness allows them to stand up to most cooking methods, even grilling. Grilled radicchio is delicious, finished with nothing more than a drizzle of olive oil, a squirt of lemon, a few pinches of coarse salt and some freshly ground pepper. Escarole sautéed with garlic in olive oil is a simple pleasure. Belgian endive, frisée (curly endive) and radicchio are beautiful in salads.

  • Radicchio overview and recipes
  • Festive radicchio salad recipe
  • Pear salad with blue cheese and radicchio recipe
  • Spinach, citrus and radicchio salad recipe
  • Grilled bitter greens with caraway peach dressing recipe
  • Angel hair pasta with scallops and escarole recipe

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    COOKING VIDEO: How Is Candy Corn Made

    October 30th is National Candy Corn Day. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 20 million pounds of candy corn are sold during the Halloween season.

    The iconic Halloween confection was created in the late 1880s by George Roniger of the Wunderlee Candy Company, in Philadelphia. The first three-layer candy, it was made laboriously, by hand.

    Even with today’s machinery, it takes 4 to 5 days to create each piece of candy corn. Each kernel has 3.57 calories, and they’re all sugar (the ingredients are corn syrup, honey, sugar and food coloring, coated with carnauba wax, a wax from the leaves of a Brazilian palm tree).

    The orange, yellow and white colors of the candy corn can actually be found in fresh corn kernels—though the colors are intensified by the candymakers.

    Some companies create an “Indian corn” version, substituting brown for the yellow base color and a bit of caramel flavor (photo #2).

    See candy corn being made in this video.

  • The leading manufacturer of candy corn is Brach’s. Each year, the company sells enough candy corn to circle the earth 4.25 times.
  • The Goelitz Confectionery Company, now called Jelly Belly Candy, started making candy corn at the turn of the 20th century. They called it Chicken Feed, illustrated with a rooster and the slogan, “Something worth crowing for.”
  • One kernel of candy corn has about 5 calories. But load them up into a one-ounce serving and you have 110 calories.
    > The History Of Candy

    > The History Of Candy Apples

      Candy Corn
    [1] Scoop up some candy corn to celebrate National Candy Corn Day (photo © Eli Zabar).

    [2] This Indian candy corn from Brach’s has a caramel flavor (photo © Candy Warehouse).


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Serve Pumpkin Soup In A Pumpkin Tureen

    You can buy a ceramic pumpkin tureen for the holiday season.

    Or, you can make one out of a real pumpkin, and have pumpkin soup to boot.

  • Select a handsome pumpkin of a size that suits your needs. Wash the pumpkin.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the “lid” off of the pumpkin.
  • Scoop the flesh out with an ice cream scoop. Scoop the flesh from the lid as well.
  • Toss the membrane; save the seeds to toast as a soup garnish.
  • Make soup from the flesh (recipes below).
    If you’re making the soup in advance, you can keep the tureen in the fridge or a cool spot. We’d love to save and re-use the tureen, but we’ve never had enough freezer space to see how it freezes. If you do, wash the pumpkin tureen after you’ve served the soup, let it dry, freeze it and please let us know how it goes!

    Serve soup from a real pumpkin tureen. Photo by G.M. Vozd | IST.

    Decorate Your Tureen
    The most breathtaking pumpkin tureen we’ve seen is on the website Phoo-d. The rim is circled with fresh flowers. If you have the time and energy—or simply want to see a beautiful photo—take a look.

    Pumpkin Soup Recipes

  • Recipe #1: Pumpkin soup with chicken stock and milk
  • Recipe #2: Pumpkin soup with chicken stock, half-and-half and cocoa croutons
  • Recipe #3: Pumpkin soup with anise and Pernod-flavored cream cheese “sorbet”

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    RECIPE: Try The White House Recipe For Honey Cupcakes

    Dress up a plain white cupcake for
    Halloween. Photo courtesy

      Given the focus on fitness at the White House, does the First Family participate in the national cupcake craze?

    A White House Garden Cookbook—which includes a collection of recipes and gardening tips from First Families—features a recipe for honey cupcakes enjoyed by the Obamas.

    With less sugar and fat—better-for-you honey is substituted for most of the sugar—this recipe, when baked at the White House, uses honey gathered from the Executive Bee Hive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But if you’re not connected to Charlie Brandt (the White House beekeeper) or Michelle Obama, the honey in your cupboard works just fine.

    You can make these cupcakes for Halloween, decorating with candy corn, orange sprinkles or other seasonal decorations.



    Cupcake Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup butter, left out on the counter for approximately 1 hour to soften
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Optional decorations

    Icing Ingredients

  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice

    Cupcake Preparation

    1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners.

    2. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer on high speed, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. On medium speed, mix in the honey, eggs, buttermilk and vanilla until blended.

    3. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. On medium speed, mix into the batter until just blended. Scoop the batter evenly into the lined muffin cups.

    4. Bake about 20 minutes. Cupcakes are done when the tops spring back lightly to the touch or a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

    Icing Preparation

    1. Place the icing ingredients in a small saucepan. Over medium heat, whisk the ingredients until the sugar and honey dissolve together. Keep whisking to avoid clumps.

    2. Using a spoon, drizzle icing over the tops of the cupcakes, or carefully pour over the cupcakes. Decorate as desired.


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    BOOK: What You Should & Shouldn’t Make From Scratch

    When Jennifer Reese lost her job as a book editor for Entertainment Weekly, she looked for ways to economize. She began with the family’s food bill. Is it cheaper to buy or make your own bagels, cream cheese, jam, crackers, yogurt and granola, she wondered.

    She began a cost-benefit analysis on how much she might save by making from scratch six of the everyday foods she typically purchased from the supermarket and the bakery. Her initial experience gave way to Make The Bread, Buy The Butter, a delightful book with 120 recipes.

    The author priced everything down to the last grain of salt as well as the cost of the utilities (in her city, 32 cents per hour to run an electric oven, 9 cents per hour to melt on a gas burner, 14 cents per hour to boil water). She did not include the cost of her labor.

    You’ll laugh, you’ll ponder, you just might buy a goat. Photo courtesy Free Press.

    Ms. Reese found some cost efficiencies that were worth it, and some that weren’t. The bagel recipe she used—the best bagel she’s ever had—costs 15¢ per bagel. A Thomas’ bagel is 45¢; a fresh bagel from Noah’s in San Francisco is 75¢.

    Cream cheese, on the other hand, is something better bought—no matter what the savings. Home-made cream cheese just doesn’t approximate the thick brick we all know and love.

    This energetic woman not only made her own jerky and Worcestershire sauce, but she also raised chickens in her backyard and attempted to raise goats to make cheese. (They ended up as beloved pets but have contributed no milk.)

    You’ll chuckle at the adventures of this executive-turned-farmer as she lacto-ferments pickles on the kitchen counter, ripens cheese in the closet and tends to chickens, ducks, baby goats and a beehive in a suburban back yard. As for buying a pair of turkeys to join the menagerie in advance of Thanksgiving (to butcher and clean), “…the mountain of gore was chilling to behold…It felt more like cleaning up a crime scene.” The experience cost more than buying turkey at the supermarket—and the meat was much drier.

    Jennifer Reese will entertain you. She will inform you. She may even convince you to try your own hand at “make it or buy it.” And you just might want to get your own baby goat.

    Order a copy.

    Read Jennifer’s further adventures at

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