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TIP OF THE DAY: Bread Spread ~ Honey & Fromage Blanc

Drizzle with honey: It’s heavenly (photo © Bee Raw Honey).

  You may go bonkers for a bagel or crazy for a croissant. But let us suggest another breakfast bread:

Raisin bread, regular or toasted. It’s delicious plain, with butter or in this killer combination from Bee Raw Honey:

Fromage blanc and apple or banana slices on raisin bread, drizzled with basswood honey.

You can vary the varietal and the type of honey, the spread (butter, crème fraîche, fresh goat cheese, Greek yogurt, quark).

It’s special occasion breakfast bread.

Add some honey for a sweet treat. One of our favorites is Bee Raw Honey’s line of single-varietal American honeys—for yourself or for gifting.

Honeys are not only regional, they’re also seasonal. Fall varietals include cranberry honey and wild black sage honey, perfect for house gifts and holiday gifts. Find out more at



Fromage blanc is a type of fresh cream cheese—but not in the manner of Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be very similar to both crème fraîche and quark.

How soft, how tangy a flavor a cheese has, and other factors are production decisions. Fromage blanc may or may not be low in fat and calories. Because there is no federal standard of identity in the U.S., one manufacturer’s fromage blanc could be another’s quark (see our article on fresh cheeses).

The fromage blanc from Vermont Creamery, for example, is extremely soft, with the consistency of sour cream and a similar tang. It is fat free, protein-packed and has a lower calorie count than other brands. The entire eight-ounce container has just 120 calories. Take that, sour cream!

In France, fromage blanc is often eaten with fruit and sugar as a dessert. It is also very popular in cooking because it heats without separating.

Pick some up during your next trip to the market.

“>Here’s a recipe to make fromage blanc at home.


This fromage blanc is fat-free and low calorie (photo © Vermont Creamery).


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HALLOWEEN: Peanut Butter Cups

They’re almost too lovely to eat—but we’ll
manage. Photo courtesy Woodhouse

  There are only two weeks until Halloween, but that’s plenty of time to send for these gourmet peanut butter cups.

Not only are the chocolate shell and peanut butter filling artisan quality, but the “dressed for Halloween” artwork deserves a shout out.

The PB cups are made by Napa Valley’s Woodhouse Chocolate, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week (read our review).

In bat, haunted house, raven and witch motifs, the two-inch-diameter cups are $4.00 each at

Find more of our favorite chocolate in THE NIBBLE’s Chocolate Section.



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PRODUCT: Jingos! Crackers

Many of us grew up on Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers. Invented in Germany, the crackers were introduced to the U.S. in 1962 by Pepperidge Farm founder Margaret Rudkin (the company is now owned by Campbell Soup Company).

In the 50 years since, Goldfish Crackers have been made in more than 15 flavors and even into different shapes: starfish, Christmas trees and beachballs, for example.

Now, the company has introduced a new snack cracker to its lineup. It’s a more sophisticated concept for an adult audience, but kids will still enjoy the groovy shape and lively flavors.

Jingos! (the exclamation point is part of the brand’s name) are baked and “seasoned twice for an explosive taste every time.” While we’re not sure about the name (more about that below), we do like the snappy, crunchy crackers, made in three flavors:

  • Fiesta Cheddar
  • Lime & Sweet Chili
  • Parmesan Garlic

    Jingos are fun crackers for snacks and garnishes. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.


    Snack from the box, dip them into plain yogurt, use them as salad croutons, serve them with soup.

    Like Goldfish, you get a lot of crackers per one-ounce serving: 23 small crackers per serving, 140 calories.

    Larger than Goldfish, Jingos! are the size of a Frito chip. That’s a lot of crunching: You may be more than satisfied with half a serving.

    Learn more at


    Vaguely knowing of the expression, “By jingo!” we headed to the dictionary.

    According to, a jingo is a bellicose chauvinist: a person who professes his or her patriotism loudly and excessively, favoring vigilant preparedness for war and an aggressive foreign policy.

    The term “jingoism,” an attitude of belligerent nationalism (chauvinism), apparently originated in England during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. The British Mediterranean squadron was sent to Gallipoli to restrain Russia and war fever was aroused.

    The phrase, “by jingo,” appeared in the refrain of a popular song: “We don’t want to fight, yet by jingo, if we do, We’ve got the ships, we’ve got the men, And got the money, too!”

    As a result, supporters of the British government’s policy toward Russia came to be called jingos.

    What this has to do with crackers, we must leave to Pepperidge Farm to explain.

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Food Safety Tips, Part 2

    How much do you really know about keeping food safe? Yesterday, we published the first half of this list of food safety tips. This is Part 2.


    Myth #9: “Eggs are safe as long as the shell is not cracked. Germs can only get in through cracks.”
    Reality: Salmonella, one of the bacteria that cause food poisoning, can grow inside fresh, unbroken eggs. Cook eggs until the yolk and white are firm, not runny. Scramble eggs to a firm texture. You can safely enjoy your eggs over easy, but not sunny-side up.

    To ensure safety, cook the eggs by flipping once so that the egg white is completely cooked and the egg yolk is starting to gel. Don’t use recipes in which eggs remain raw or only partially cooked.

    Myth #10: “Hard boiled eggs are safe and don’t need to be refrigerated.”
    Reality: Keep boiled eggs on ice, in a cooler, or in a cold pack if the eggs will not be eaten within two hours. Just because they are cooked, doesn’t mean they can’t grow bacteria.

    Even if there’s no crack, an egg can be
    contaminated with bacteria. Photo by Kasey
    Albano | SXC.


    “Myth #11: “If there is just a little bit of mold on top of the food, I can scrape it off. What’s underneath is still good.”
    Reality: The mold you see is only the tip of the iceberg. Typically, the bacteria or toxins are found under the surface of the food. Although you can salvage hard cheeses, salamis and firm fruits and vegetables by cutting the mold out, most foods should be discarded.

    Myth #12: “Mayonnaise is often the cause of food-borne illness.”
    Reality: Commercially purchased mayonnaise is pasteurized and has a high acid content that actually slows bacteria growth. Mayonnaise does not cause food poisoning, bacteria do. And bacteria grow best on foods that contain protein and are at temperatures between 40°-140°F. At greater risk for developing bacteria are the foods mayonnaise is commonly mixed with for picnics and potlucks, such as eggs, chicken, pasta, potatoes and tuna.

    Their small, cut-up surfaces allow the bacteria to grow in the right environment. But even these foods will be safe if you keep your cooler below 40°F. Don’t guess: Use a thermometer.


    Don’t thaw turkey or other poultry on the
    counter. You’ve just got to make room in the
    fridge. Photo by Evegny B | Fotolia.


    Myth #13: “It is okay to let turkey thaw out on the kitchen counter. Everyone does it that way.”
    Reality: You should NEVER thaw poultry at room temperature. Because it is impossible to ensure that raw poultry is free of harmful bacteria, you must rely on temperature to control or eliminate the harmful bacteria.

    Bacteria tend to multiply and increase their population between 45°F and 140°F. By leaving raw turkey or any other raw poultry at room temperature, you are giving bacteria the the opportunity to grow.

    It is best to thaw the poultry in the refrigerator. You can use other thawing methods, such as microwaving or running cool water over the bird, but these alternative methods need to be followed by immediate cooking.


    Myth #14: “If food is kept in a cooler, it will be maintained at the proper temperature.”
    Reality: The only way to know for sure if your cooler or refrigerator is at the proper temperature is with a thermometer. You want to make sure your cold foods stay below 40°F. Another precaution is to pack raw meat and cooked or ready to eat foods in separate coolers. This can help to avoid any potential cross-contamination from spilled juices.

    Pack coolers tight with ice, store in a cool spot and keep them closed as much as possible. Only open when necessary and when it is time to cook or serve the food. Keep drinks in their own cooler so you can open and shut it frequently without having to worry about lowering the temperature of the food.
    Myth #15: “Food can be left at room or outdoor temperature for more than two hours.”
    Reality: Because bacteria grow rapidly in the “danger zone” between 40°F and 140°F, food left at room temperature for more than two hours should be discarded. When the temperature outside is 90°F or hotter, picnic or barbecue food should be discarded after just one hour.

    Now you know 15 ways to keep your food safe. If you have more food safety questions, let us know.


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    TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Honey Truffles

    A beekeeper in the Catskills harvests honey twice a year. She bottles most of it for sale, and blends some of it into achingly good honey truffles.

    Made with the finest 70% Belgian chocolate and sweetened only with Catskill Provisions’ wildflower honey, these truffles are gems for indulgent chocolate enjoyment, or a special trick-or-treat gift for Halloween. (Keep them on the list for holiday gifts, too.)

    Any chocophile will appreciate some. The beautiful gift boxes are embossed with a honeycomb pattern. One might say that they’re the bee’s knees.*

    Send for a box or two and let them melt in your mouth.

    Read the full review.
    *“The bee’s knees” is a Jazz Age idiom meaning something or someone considered extremely special. According to Mark Israel of the University of Ottowa, 1920s U.S. slang had a slew of similar phrases with the same meaning, including, but not limited to, “the cat’s pajamas” and the less familiar “the eel’s ankle,” “the clam’s garter,” “the kipper’s knickers” and “the sardine’s whiskers.” How about “THE NIBBLE’s quibble?”

    You can purchase 4, 9 or 18 truffles. Go for 18! Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.

  • The History Of Chocolate Truffles
  • The Truffle Confusion: Why Other Types Of Chocolates Are Also Called Truffles
  • Truffles Versus Pralines
    Find more of our favorite chocolates in our Chocolate Section.

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