TIP OF THE DAY: Frozen Fruit Frenzy

Frozen strawberries: a versatile ingredient. Photo courtesy The Perfect Pantry.   Stock up on bags of your favorite frozen fruits. They’re less expensive than fresh fruit. Beyond fruit desserts and snacks, you can use them for cold soups, with stewed meats, in marinades and much more. RECIPE: EASY FRUIT POPSICLES* 1. SLIGHTLY THAW frozen fruit.…
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COCKTAIL RECIPES: “Green” Cocktails For Earth Day

Think green, and celebrate Earth Day with two cocktail recipes from 360 Vodka.   Celebrate Earth Day, April 22nd, by drinking tap water. Refill a bottle and carry it around with you. And especially purchase a Better Drinking Water Filter Bottle—a biodegradable corn resin bottle with a built-in filter top that is good for purifying…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Flavored Cream Cheese

If you don’t have time to make scallion cream cheese, do the next best thing: Snip chives into a small dish so that guests can sprinkle them on top of the cream cheese. It takes two minutes to wash and snip the chives.   When we serve flavored cream cheeses at brunch, the scallion cream…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Irish Cream Icing Recipe

Make a white chocolate frosting with Irish cream liqueur. Photo courtesy of Equinox Maple Flakes.   Celebrate the 17th with Irish Cream Icing. You can bake or buy brownies or a loaf cake and add this tasty homemade topping. Take 1/3 cup Irish cream liqueur (such as Bailey’s) and 8 ounces of top-quality white chocolate.…
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TODAY IN FOOD: It’s Oatmeal-Nut Waffles Day

Who thought up this food holiday, you might ask? Why not Blackberry Waffles Day, or Milk Chocolate Chip Waffles Day? We’re guessing that Oatmeal-Nut Waffles Day is the work of nutritionists at the Whole Grain Council or some other group supporting oats—and they’re not wrong. We need three portions of whole grains daily, and oatmeal…
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