TIP OF THE DAY: Diet Fruit Soup

Make a delicious, low-calorie fruit soup by puréeing 2 pounds of cantaloupe (two melons—reserve some melon balls for garnish). Then add 3/4 cup of herbal fruit tea and 1 to 2 tablespoons of lime juice. Garnish with chopped mint and melon balls or berries. Enjoy it at any meal as a first course or dessert,…
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RECIPE: July Fourth Strawberries

Red, white and blue ingredients create the perfect July Fourth dessert. Photo courtesy Dove Chocolate Discoveries.   Not only are berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, in season during the Fourth of July, but they also come in patriotic colors, making them great ingredients in recipes you can make for your Independence Day celebrations, such…
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RECIPES: Ladurée Macaroons

No one tells us they’re going to Paris anymore, because they know we’ll beg them to bring back two boxes of macaroons from Ladurée, the international temple of macaroon holiness. The great success of Ladurée’s macarons is threefold: The tenderness of the meringue. The quality of the fillings. The vivid flavors and colors. So, if…
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