FREEBIE: 1 Jar of P.B. Loco When You Buy 5

P.B. Loco—one of our favorite peanut butters.   National Peanut Butter Month doesn’t begin until November 1st, but our friends at P.B. Loco are offering a free jar of CoCoBanana Peanut Butter (chocolate banana peanut butter—no coconut) when you buy five jars of any flavors. It’s not too hard to buy five jars of their…
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PRODUCT WATCH: Hebrew National Kosher Breakfast Sausage

Only 10% of the people who eat kosher food are Jewish. Now they, and the 90% of non-Jewish kosher food buyers, can enjoy breakfast sausage. Hebrew National, the iconic kosher hot dog company, has launched the first 100% pure beef breakfast sausage links available in the marketplace. There are three varieties—Original, Maple and Reduced Fat,…
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PRODUCT WATCH: Guilt-Free Chocolate For The Cure

When you buy these “nibble for the cure” bonbons from Chocolat Céleste, producer of delicious ganache-filled bonbons, 15% of the purchase price is donated to the Breast Cancer Awareness Association, a charity where more than 90% of funds donated go directly toward providing breast cancer education and support. Plus, research suggests that eating dark chocolate…
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GOURMET TRAVEL: Oyster Festival

Oysters hang on long lines in the deep, cold waters, filtering water for food. Currently about 50,000 gallons of Pacific Oysters are harvested annually in the Vancouver Island area.   Next month is the height of of oyster season on the west coast of Vancouver Island. From November 15 to 18, ostreaphiles (oyster lovers)—and perhaps…
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