ST. PATRICK’S DAY: Appletini Recipe

Our drink of choice on St. Patrick’s Day is the green-hued Appletini, also known as an Apple Martini or Green Apple Martini. It’s one of our favorite cocktails. If you want a deeper green color, simply add a drop of food color. The Appletini turned up during the Martini renaissance of the 1990s. By the…
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DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME: A Celebration Cocktail

Celebrate more daylight with an AviónSunshine cocktail. Photo courtesy Avión.   Everyone has a favorite holiday: Christmas, Halloween, Easter or Thanksgiving, perhaps. Ours is Daylight Savings Time. We are not a night person: We love the light, from dawn to sunset. We are not happy waking up to a black sky and getting dressed in…
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY: Rock A Green Cocktail

Melon liqueur creates a cocktail as green as the Emerald Isle. Photo courtesy Hornitos tequila.   Why drink inferior green beer on St. Patrick’s Day when you can have an emerald green cocktail instead? There’s no reason you have to limit St. Patrick’s Day libations to traditional celebratory drinks. Just stick to the green theme.…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Absinthe Day

March 5th is National Absinthe Day, celebrating a green-colored spirit made from the flowers and leaves of the wormwood herb (Artemisia absinthium). Green anise and fennel seed give absinthe its distinctive flavor. Absinthe has an anise-like flavor and a controversial past. Hey, isn’t absinthe the stuff that made Parisian writers and artists go mad in…
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TIP OF THE DAY: What Is Irish Whiskey

[1] Enjoy Irish whiskey on St. Patrick’s Day (photo © Jameson Irish Whiskey). [2] Have an Irish coffee. Here’s the recipe (photo © Slane Irish Whiskey).   Bourbon, gin, scotch, tequila, vodka: You may have enjoyed one or more of these spirits lately. But what about Irish whiskey? Lighter than its cousin, scotch, Irish whiskey…
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