TIP OF THE DAY: Cucumber Water

Toss cucumber slices into a glass or a pitcher of water. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   When life gives you cucumbers, you can make cucumber soup, cucumber salad, add cukes to green salads and grain salads and make pickled cucumbers (that’s “pickles” to most of us, although any fruit or vegetable can…
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Grapefruit, one of the 6 varieties of Q mixers. Photo courtesy Q Drinks.   How demanding is your palate? If the answer is “pretty demanding,” move on to the next questions. Do you enjoy mixed drinks? Are the mixers big-brand sodas? Well, we all know what’s in those sodas: artificial flavors, high fructose corn syrup…
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RECIPE: Thai Iced Coffee Recipe

Recently we published a recipe for Thai iced tea, which had some readers asking if there is also Thai iced coffee. There most definitely is (Vietnamese iced coffee is similar or identical, depending on who makes it). In Thailand, the drink is called kah-feh dahm yen, and the locals prefer it very sweet. You can…
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Thai Iced Tea Recipe With Sweetened Condensed Milk

    WHAT IS THAI ICED TEA? Thai iced tea, known as cha-yen (cha is the word for tea), is served in Thailand, Vietnam, elsewhere around the Pacific Rim and in Thai restaurants in the West and elsewhere around the world. It’s made from strong-brewed black tea and sweetened condensed milk, which adds body and…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Panasonic Electric Kettle

Summer is iced tea time. If you’re a fan, here’s a question: Why take the time and effort to brew iced tea? You can buy it in individual bottles and large formats just about everywhere. The main reasons to brew your own are sustainability, cost and, if you have a good palate, better quality tea.…
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