TIP OF THE DAY: Ways To Use Sparkling Sugar | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Ways To Use Sparkling Sugar | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Ways To Use Sparkling Sugar

Red sparkling sugar. Photo courtesy King
Arthur Flour.
  Thanksgiving: delicious, but over. Now on to Christmas.

We like to add a sprinkle of “Christmas dust” to holiday foods and beverages: red and green sparkling sugars. We switch to silver sparkling sugar for the week between Christmas and New Year’s.

Interchangeable is sanding sugar, which is a finer grind than sparkling sugar. Both add a sparkle flavor and color to cookies and other baked goods and desserts; and the crystals, much larger than table sugar, do not dissolve when subjected to heat.

Some people also refer to it as decorating sugar or pearl sugar; but as you can see in our Sugar Glossary, those are slightly different).

What do we do with it? We add a pinch of holiday garnish.


  • Hot chocolate: Sprinkle atop the whipped cream.
  • Coffee or tea: Sprinkle atop the milk (milk is required to highlight the sugar).
  • Glass rimmer: For sweet cocktails, iced tea, lemonade, etc.


  • Cake: Decorate the frosting.
  • Cookies: Cut out sugar cookies or shortbread and press both sides into sparkling sugar. For drop cookies, roll cookie dough into balls and roll in sparkling sugar.
  • Ice cream: on top of plain ice cream, or on the whipped cream of sundaes.
  • Muffins: Sprinkle on top prior to baking.
  • Pies and scones: Brush pie crust with milk and sprinkle heavily with sparkling sugar. Do the same with scones or sweet biscuits.
  • Plate garnish: Sprinkle the sugar on a plate before adding any sweet food.
    Green sparkling sugar. Photo courtesy King Arthur Flour.
  • Yeast breads and sweet focaccia: Sprinkle with sparkling sugar just before placing in the oven.
  • Whipped cream: Add a sparkle wherever there’s whipped cream.
    Sparkling sugar is available in enough colors for any occasion. We buy ours at KingArthurFlour.com and Wilton.com. If you have other holiday suggestions, let us know!


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