Candy Corn Fudge Recipe & The History Of Candy Corn - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures Candy Corn Fudge Recipe & The History Of Candy Corn
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Candy Corn Fudge Recipe & The History Of Candy Corn

[1] Fudge in an homage to candy corn. The recipe is below (photos #1 and #6 and recipe © The Pampered Chef).

Candy Corn
[2] The fudge tastes better than actual candy corn (photo © Liz West | Wikipedia).

S'mores Flavor Candy Corn
[3] S’mores flavor candy corn (photo © Blair Candy Store | Amazon).

Caramel Flavor Candy Corn
[4] Caramel flavor candy corn (photo © Brach’s | Amazon).

Candy Corn Fudge Recipe [5] Candy corn fudge. You can make it with the recipe below, or purchase it from Z. Cioccolato (photo © Z. Cioccolato).

Halloween Bark With Candy Corn & Pretzels
[6] You can also make candy corn bark (photo © Brown Eyed Baker).


October 30th, National Candy Corn Day, is the day before Halloween. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 20 million pounds of candy corn are sold during the Halloween season. And some of it is made into recipes, like the > Candy Corn Fudge recipe, below.

Also check out:
> More candy corn recipes, from cocktails to cake to ice cream and more.

> The history of Halloween.

> The history of fudge.

The iconic confection was created in the late 1880s by George Roniger of the Wunderlee Candy Company in Philadelphia. The first three-layer candy, it was laboriously made by hand.

It was originally called chicken feed, after the dry corn kernels that were fed to the flocks. It was originally sold year-round. When it became a seasonal treat for Halloween has not yet been identified for certain, but research suggests it was around the middle of the 20th century [source].

Roniger failed to trademark his concept, enabling other companies to produce their own versions, following right on his tail. The Goelitz Confectionery Company (now the Jelly Belly Candy Co.), has been making candy corn since 1898.

Another top competitor these days is Brach’s, which claims to be the number-one producer, making up to 88% of the candy corn sold in the U.S. [ibid.].

Even with today’s machinery, it takes 4 to 5 days to create each piece of candy corn (here’s a video of candy corn being made).

Each kernel has 3.57 calories, and it’s all sugar (the ingredients are corn syrup, honey, sugar, and food coloring, coated with carnauba wax, which is is made from the leaves of a palm tree).

Trivia: In 2021, nine billion kernels of candy corn were produced in the U.S. That equates to 35 million pounds of candy corn!

The orange, yellow and white colors of the candy corn can actually be found in fresh corn kernels—though the colors are intensified by the candy makers.

Some companies create an “Indian corn” version, substituting brown for the yellow base color. And that’s not all.

  • Witch’s Teeth are white kernels with green tips, Vampire Teeth, white with red tips, and all varieties of teeth from Monster Teeth (blue, purple, white, blackberry cobbler flavor) to Dragon Teeth (tan, brown, white), Shark Teeth (red, pink, white), Zombie Teeth (red, green, white), and more.
  • For Christmas, there’s a red, green and white combination; for Easter, there are pastels.
  • Candy corn has been made in flavors such as apple pie, blackberry cobbler, caramel, carrot cake, chocolate, coffee, cookies, eggnog, funfetti, green apple, Minions, Nerds, peppermint, popcorn, s’mores, Sour Patch Kids, Starburst.
  • There are bags of candy corn that imitate themed meals, with flavors that emulate French toast, waffles, and pancakes, to Thanksgiving dinner flavors (roasted turkey, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce, apple pie, and coffee), to Tailgate flavors (hot dogs, hamburgers, fruit punch, popcorn, vanilla ice cream).
    So now…

    Why not “fudge the rules” by turning fudge into candy corn?

    This recipe is vanilla fudge, made in three layers that are the color of candy corn.

    And unlike candy corn itself, this recipe (courtesy of is not all sugar: It’s made from chocolate and sweetened condensed milk.

    Don’t like fudge? Try this candy corn cocktail, or simply mix candy corn into some popcorn (almonds are optional).

    Ingredients For 72 Pieces

  • 3 cups white chocolate chips (or chop a white chocolate bar)
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 15 drops yellow food coloring
  • 10 drops red food coloring

    1. MICROWAVE chocolate and condensed milk in a 3-cup bowl, uncovered, on HIGH for 1-2 minutes. Stir every 30 seconds until melted.

    2. LINE a loaf pan with waxed paper and pour in one-third of the fudge mixture, spreading evenly.

    3. PLACE the pan in the freezer for 5 minutes to cool. If the fudge mixture in the prep bowl has begun to set, microwave for an additional 15 seconds.

    4. DIVIDE the remaining fudge mixture into two bowls. Add yellow food coloring to one bowl and mix well. Add red food coloring to the other bowl and mix well.

    5. REMOVE fudge from the freezer. Pour the orange fudge mixture over the first layer; return to the freezer for 5 minutes. Then pour the yellow fudge mixture over the first two layers and place in the freezer for about 45 minutes or until set.

    6. REMOVE fudge from the pan. Cut into 4 lengthwise rows with a pizza cutter or other implement.

    7. TURN rows on their sides and cut them into triangles.

    8. STORE in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


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