TIP OF THE DAY: Strawberries For The Holidays

Holiday season is high-calorie season. But you can help your calorie-stressed guests. In addition to serving crudités as an option to the seductive Brie Torte, provide fresh fruit for guests who are watching calories or carbs, don’t eat refined sugar or are doing their best to avoid plunging into your brownies and butter cookies. Fresh…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Your Own Salsa

With the many millions of dollars spent each year on bottled salsa, few people realize how easy it is to make homemade salsa. All you need is a sharp knife, fresh vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, onion), some chiles, seasonings (garlic, cilantro, salt) and lime juice. You can toss in corn, black beans or anything in…
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CONTEST: Do You Have A Great Strawberry Recipe?

Florida winter strawberries. Photo courtesy Florida Strawberry Growers Association. Home cooks and culinary professionals can compete for cash in the first “Florida Strawberries—A Taste of Summer All Winter Long Recipe Contest,” sponsored by the Florida Strawberry Growers Association and “Taste of the South Magazine.” The entry categories are Starters or Salsas; Salads; Sweets and Best…
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