RECIPE: Nepalese Potato Salad

[1] Nepalese potato salad uses a yogurt binder and a number of South Asian spices (photo © Idaho Potato Commission). [2] Fingerling potatoes (photo © The Roasted Root, which used them to make these delicious Rosemary Roasted Fingerlings).   Nepalese potato salad? What’s that? Potatoes, like chicken, provide a neutral canvas that can showcase the…
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TIP OF THE DAY : International Spins On Potato Salad

Homemade potato salad is one of our favorite summer sides. Mom’s recipe combined sliced boiled red jacket potatoes, small dices of red onion and green bell peppers, chopped parsley and dill and sometimes, chopped hard boiled egg, bits of carrot or sweet pickle relish. It was bound with mayonnaise blended with a bit of Dijon…
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