Christmas Cupcakes From Scratch Or Decorate Store-Bought

December 15th is National Cupcake Day. When a holiday like this falls right before Christmas, there’s only one way to go: Christmas eat cupcakes. You can turn the food holiday into a seasonal holiday party, with a DYO (decorate your own) cupcake party, with holiday flavors and garnishes. Whether you bake them from scratch or…
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FOOD FUN: Christmas Cupcake Tree

Deck the cupcakes with lots of candy! This holiday cupcake tree from Jelly Belly is a fun project that uses jelly beans and Sunkist Fruit Gems to decorate a cupcake tree. It’s an opportunity to practice your frosting piping skills. Even if your cupcake trees don’t look as professional as the ones in the photo,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Decorate Christmas Cupcakes

Deck the cupcakes! Photo of Perfect Endings cupcakes courtesy Williams-Sonoma.   Today’s tip is inspired by these delicious cupcakes from Perfect Endings, a Napa Valley bakery that sells them online via You can buy or bake and frost your own cupcakes, then decorate them with festive elements. It’s a fun family activity. Consider: Chocolate…
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