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TIP OF THE DAY: Hamantaschen For Purim


Make hamentaschen this weekend. Photo

You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy hamantaschen (also spelled hamentaschen), the traditional tri-corned cookie that celebrates the Jewish holiday of Purim. This year it’s celebrated from February 28th through March 1st.

The story of Purim, as told in the Bible’s Book of Esther, tells of the deliverance of the Jewish people from an annihilation plot of the Persian king Haman, who wore a tri-corner hat (hence the shape of the cookies, the name of which translates into “Haman’s pockets”).

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ENTERTAINING: The Cupcake Becomes Even More Fetching

The cost of party cakes is out of control: a 1/2″ thick piece of wedding cake for $10 a slice? That’s what wedding cake specialists charge in our town. To add to the pain, hotels charge a “cake slicing fee” to cut and serve the cake.

This, plus the fact that too many guests don’t like the heavy fondant that covers many wedding cakes, means that you’ve just paid a fortune to serve people something they may just pick at—or ignore completely.

But there’s a happy solution:

Cupcake “trees” have been fashionable at weddings and other parties for several years.

You can make the presentation even more exciting with cupcake wrappers—gracefully die-cut outer wrappers into which the finished cupcake is placed—are now offered in so many colors and designs, that there’s a beautiful presentation that elevates the already-charming cupcake.



A wide range of wrappers turn cupcakes
into celebration cakes. Photo courtesy

Cupcake wrappers aren’t inexpensive—they run a dollar or more apiece. But combine the cost of the cupcake and the wrapper, and you can serve something less expensive, more exciting at the table and cake that people are excited to eat.

Next recommended improvement: Make the wrappers edible or collectible. It’s a crime to throw something so lovely away.

Visit the collection at

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PRODUCT: Duncan Hines Triple Chocolate Muffin Mix


Muffin or cake? You be the judge. Photo
courtesy Duncan Hines.

New! 100% Whole Grain Triple Chocolate Chunk Premium Muffin Mix.

That message, on a box of Duncan Hines mix, caught our eye.

Sure, we all should add more whole grain to our diets (in this case whole wheat flour replaces the white flour). But are Triple Chocolate Chunk muffins the way to do it?

We used this question as an excuse to bake up a batch. We substituted butter for the oil in the recipe (butter always tastes better, except in a good Mediterranean olive oil cake).

Here’s what we found:

  • This muffin is an excellent substitute for chocolate cake. It’s a bit less sweet, but the batter could have been put in a loaf pan. We enjoyed our chocolate muffins with a side of Breyer’s No Sugar Added vanilla ice cream (hey, you have to save those calories somewhere).
  • The whole wheat flour blends in with the cocoa and chocolate chips. People who eschew whole wheat won’t know it’s there.
  • You could frost these muffins, serve them as “chocolate cupcakes,” and no one would know the difference. In actuality, cupcakes have a less dense crumb and more sugar. If you choose the “cupcake path,” feel free to toss in extra chocolate chips (or nuts for more protein).
  • In terms of psychology, we feel a lot better polishing off four muffins than four cupcakes. “Muffin” sounds healthier—with all that antioxidant chocolate and added nuts for protein and heart-healthy fats. (It isn’t healthier, of course. Caveat edax!*)
  • If you’re going to have chocolate muffins or cake anyway, this is a fine example of how to switch out the white flour and add more whole grain to your diet.
  • Find more of our favorite cakes in our Gourmet Cakes Section.
  • For bread, crackers and muffins, see Gourmet Breads.

Learn more about whole grains and how to add them to your diet.


*Let the eater beware.

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TIP OF THE DAY: Garnish Glamour

Add a little color to every dish you serve.

It can be green from fresh basil or other herbs. Or brighten up the plate with red and yellow accents from halved cherry or grape tomatoes or rings of bell peppers.

In the doldrums of winter, or when you have nothing fresh in the house, take roasted red peppers or sun-dried tomatoes from the jar. If you like things hot, keep some cans of chile peppers.

For sweet dishes, a couple of red berries make a world of difference. Buy them fresh in season, or keep a bag of whole frozen berries in the freezer.

A plain plate of food is instantly more appealing with the color—and the color tastes great and adds few calories, to boot!


Some raspberries and a sprig of mint turn a
plain brownie into something glamorous.
Photograph by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE.

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PRODUCT: Beanitos Bean Chips


Enjoy a healthy crunch. Photo by Hannah
Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE.

Perhaps you converted from potato chips to tortilla chips in the interest of better nutrition. And you went from fried chips to baked chips.

Now, you can go one step further with Beanitos—two flavors of bean chips with more protein, Omega 3s and fiber. And they’re low glycemic, which potato and corn chips can’t claim. Beanitos have a GI of 33 and a GL of 3.

The healthy new snack chips are made from beans and whole grain rice. They have all the crunch of corn chips and an intriguing, balanced flavor.

Beanitos, available in Black Bean and Pinto Bean & Flax, are delicious as a snack chip or served alongside light meals—salads, soup, sandwiches—or with dips.

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