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White Chocolate “Creamsicle” Bonbons With Blood Orange Ganache

In the days before air conditioning, it wasn’t easy to sell fine chocolates in the summer. Cocoa butter, one of the major components of chocolate (the one that provides the creamy, luscious mouthfeel), melts at 93.4°F to 98°F.

Hot weather can make a mess of a chocolatier’s hard work.

To beat the heat, many chocolatiers made special “summer chocolates” out of what consumers called “white chocolate,” but was actually a product called confectionery coating, a product that substitutes vegetable oil for the cocoa butter.

Confectionery coating is melt-resistant, but without the cocoa butter it doesn’t taste like chocolate—in fact, if you have a good palate, it may not taste good to you at all. Some chocolatiers still use it. It’s easier to work with and it’s much less expensive than real chocolate.

If you like milk chocolate but don’t like white chocolate, chances are you may have been eating confectionery coating instead of the real deal.

  • Tip #1: Confectionery coating is stark white in color (like a piece of white paper); real white chocolate has a creamy color with a hint of beige.
  • Tip #2: The ingredients list includes the words “chocolate-flavored” and/or “vegetable oil.”

    A beguiling summer bonbon, the Blood Orange Creamsicle (photo © Bespoke Chocolates [now closed]).

    In today’s air-conditioned world, which includes overnight shipping in ice packs, you can enjoy your chocolate even when it’s too darn hot outside.

    One of our favorite pieces is this Blood Orange “Creamsicle” Bonbon from Bespoke Chocolates: a creamy, top-quality white chocolate shell with a tart-sweet blood orange ganache.

    It’s available for a limited time only, so don’t dawdle. But the company’s spectacular Pretzel-Covered Sea-Salted Caramel, which gets our vote for one of the top 10 bonbons in America, is available year-round. Order as many as you can afford.

  • Call to order:, Eastern Time
  • Read our review of Bespoke Chocolates, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week
  • Visit the company website
  • Find more of our favorite chocolates using the pull-down menu in the right column.

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    Healthy Bagels: How To Enjoy A Healthier Bagel

    Pass the bagels! Check out the whole grain, organic bagels from French Meadow Bakery, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week. They deliver two servings of whole grains per bagel, are only 260 calories (regular bagels can be twice that and more)…and are delicious. This is the Sprouted Healthy Hemp Bagel, with a garnish of fresh-snipped chives (photo by Claire Freierman | © THE NIBBLE.


    Dill is often used to garnish a plate of smoked salmon—it’s a perfect pairing. So we tried snipping fresh dill onto our bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon.

    The verdict: the more dill, the better.

    The pretty, fragrant herb also has a heap of health benefits.

  • It has compounds that fight free radicals, neutralize particular types of smoke carcinogens (such as those in cigarette, charcoal grill and trash incinerator smoke) and act as an anti-bacterial.
  • It’s also an excellent source of calcium, which prevents bone loss.
    Onion lovers may prefer snipped chives as the garnish—or feel free to add both.

    Members of the Allium family of vegetables—including garlic and onions—have anticancer, anticlotting, hypolipidemic (lower blood cholesterol), antibacterial, antiviral, and decongestant properties.

    Here’s another tip for a healthier bagel:

    Instead of high-fat cream cheese, use low-calorie, high protein Greek-style yogurt. Triple-strained, thick and creamy, we like it just as much as cream cheese on a toasted bagel.







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    BOOK: Everything Tastes Better With Bacon

    Every bacon lover needs a copy of
    Everything Tastes Better With Bacon.

    When we first heard about this book, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on it: “70 Fabulous Recipes For Every Meal Of The Day,” promises the cover of the bacon cookbook, “Everything Tastes Better With Bacon.”

    Any bacon lover would gladly eat every recipe in the book—and some of us might try to eat the gorgeous photographs.

    Author Sara Perry focuses half the book on finer variations of the tried-and-true: bacon and lentil soup, corn and clam chowder with bacon, the BLT, green beans with pepper bacon and lemon zest, mashed potatoes with bacon, spinach and Fontina cheese (unless you’d prefer the warm potato salad with bacon and arugula). Spinach salad, a popular bed for bacon, gets updated with a curry vinaigrette.

    Ms. Perry reminds us that bacon can be part of almost any dish. Breakfast biscuits are studded with bacon, figs with goat cheese are enhanced with bacon, a risotto is made with pepper bacon and marsala, polenta is topped with a bacon, corn and tomato ragout.

    Surprises include a maple sundae with hazelnut-bacon candy crunch and bloody marys with beet-and-bacon bites instead of traditional munchies. How about an apple pie with a bacon crust? We can’t wait until the temperature drops a dozen degrees so we can light up the oven and bake one.

    The book starts with a bacon primer: bacon types, storage, cooking tips. Any bacon lover would go hog-wild for this little cookbook. Even if you’ve made many a bacon quiche or frittata, Ms. Perry reminds you that the joy of bacon can be yours in any meal.

    • Buy the book. For $12.89 on Amazon, it makes a great gift (add some artisan bacon for even more thanks).
    • Check out bacon and the other cuts of pork in our Pork Cuts Glossary.
    • Win a bacon buffet dinner prepared by Sara Perry? We can only dream. Instead, we’ll start with the first chapter of recipes and sally forth—a much more exciting prospect than working our way through Mastering The Art Of French Cooking

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Watermelon Martini

    Take advantage of summer fruit by switching your cocktail choices.

    Save the Bloody Marys and Cosmos for fall, and make fresh fruit drinks while the sun shines.

    One of our favorite summer drinks is the Watermelon Martini. Not only is fresh watermelon delicious in a cocktail, but we love garnishing the drinks with slices of melon.

    The Watermelon Wave includes orange
    liqueur. Photo courtesy Gran Gala.

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    PRODUCT: Caribbean Rum Cake

    A black rum cake is dense with ground
    raisins, prunes and cherries. Photo by
    Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

    There are some mediocre rum cakes out there, but we’ve been having a pretty good run tasting delicious brands.

    The most recent are from Caribbean Cake Connoisseurs, owners of the enviable URL They make both traditional Caribbean black and brown rum-soaked fruit cakes as well as the pound cake flavors more familiar to Americans.

    Rum was first made in the Caribbean in the 17th century, distilled from sugar cane juice or molasses. Authentic Caribbean rum cake most likely originated as a steamed pudding, brought to the Islands by English settlers in the mid-seventeenth century and modified along the way.

    While Americans typically enjoy pound cake-style rum cakes flavored with banana, chocolate, vanilla and other flavors, in the Caribbean, the “original” style is a dense fruitcake in brown (brown sugar) and black (with burnt sugar).

    Caribbean Cake Connoisseurs provides both styles. The brown and black cakes are available in bundts as well as sheets and layers, which are popular for weddings and other festivities. Bundt pound cakes in four flavors are available in gift tins or individual mini bundts.


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