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FOOD HOLIDAY: German Chocolate Cake

German Chocolate Cake has a coconut-pecan
filling and frosting. Photo © H.D. Connelly |

  Today is National German Chocolate Cake Day—a day we don’t mind celebrating in the least.

German Chocolate Cake is a chocolate layer cake filled and topped with a coconut pecan frosting.

The cake has nothing to do with Germany. It is so named because it was originally made with German’s Chocolate, a semisweet-type chocolate created by a Brit, Sam German, who was working in the U.S. for Walter Baker & Co., manufacturer of Baker’s Chocolate.

See more of the history and a delicious three-layer German Chocolate Cake recipe.

  • Discover more of our favorite cake recipes in our Gourmet Cakes Section.
  • Check out the different types of cakes in our Cake Glossary. How many can you name?
  • Take our Cake Trivia Quiz.


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    NEWS: Honeybees On The Farm

    We just received a beautiful email from Greg Quinn, a currant grower whose juice, Currant C, is a NIBBLE favorite and one of the highest antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic foods.

    We love the description of the honeybees on the farm and would like to share it with all honey lovers:

    Well, we’re wrapping up spring in good stead here on the farm. I captured and hived a swarm of honey bees last week and this hive will be the start of a new bee yard over by the currant fields.

    It was a robust swarm of about 8,000 bees (3,500 bees weigh 22 lbs) and they’re doing great in their new home. Within 2 days they had made propolis* from the resin of tree sap and sealed up any small cracks and covered over all the knots in the new hive body. They are making honey and storing pollen and her majesty is laying about 500 eggs a day. In about a month, she’ll be up to 2,000 eggs each day!!!

    How cute is this? A honeybee bringing a
    grain of pollen back to the hive. Photo by
    Muhammad Mahdi Karim | Wikimedia.

    If all goes well, the population of the hive should be in excess of 30,000 bees going into the winter. Worker bees, all females, live for 4-6 weeks during the working season; but the queen can live up to 6 years. The males, called drones, serve only one function [to breed new bees] and pretty much hang around most of the time eating the honey the females make, so they’re pretty expendable. Often they’ll be kicked out of the hive in the fall, to save the honey for the working members of the community.

    Honey is one of the most perfect foods on the planet, containing many of the amino acids which are the building blocks of life.

    Honey will never go bad and local raw (unpasteurized) honey is great to combat allergies because, homeopathically, it’s made from the same pollen that causes the allergies.

    Honey bees and farms share a very important relationship and I love my bees.

    *BEEHIVE TRIVIA: Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows or other botanical sources. They use it as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive—small gaps of a quarter-inch or smaller. Larger spaces are usually filled with beeswax.
    Thanks, Greg!

  • Discover the products of Currant C.
  • Learn all about honey—types of honey, pairing honey, honey trivia, our favorite honeys and honey recipes—in our Honey Section.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Tips For Grilling

    You may not have time to read a book about grilling, like the 416-page, best-selling Weber’s Big Book of Grilling.

    But you do have time to read these 10 quick grilling tips from Smoke In Da Eye, an award-winning competitive grilling and barbecue team.

    Take a look: Your fire will start faster and your grilled meats will be juicier, more tender and flavorful—and not overcooked.

    Also check out Bobby Flay’s Grilling Tips.

    What should you grill? Learn the different cuts of meat:

  • Beef Cuts Glossary
  • Pork Cuts Glossary
  • Lamb Cuts Glossary
    A flexible grill basket like this one from makes it as easy to flip fish
    as it is to flip burgers and steaks.


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    PRODUCT: Lipton Bottled Tea

    The new Lipton tea flavors, in 100% Natural
    and Diet. Tray and place mat from

      While we’re environmentalists and like to brew our own, America loves its bottled tea. (We like it, too: We’re just focused on reducing our environmental footprint.)

    Today is National Iced Tea Day, an appropriate day to note the move to “100% natural” in bottled teas.

    “Natural” in tea means no artificial colors, flavors, chemical preservatives* or fabricated products such as high fructose corn syrup (see details). Natural-ingredients foods have become increasingly popular with health-focused consumers.

    There are natural food preservatives: alcohol, ascorbic acid, citric acid, salt, sugar and vinegar. Ascorbic acid is vitamin C, sourced primarily from lemons. It is found in varying amounts in citrus fruits and some vegetables. Citric acid is also found in citrus fruits and some vegetables, but it has less nutritional value than ascorbic acid. Citric acid, which does not contain vitamin C, is most famously used in sodas, in large enough quantities that it can erode the tooth structure of heavy soda drinkers (details). Ascorbic acid can do the same, but it is added to foods only in small amounts.


  • Lipton’s 100% Natural bottled teas are available in four flavors: Green Tea with Citrus, Iced Tea with Lemon, Pomegranate Blueberry and Green Tea with Passionfruit Mango. The latter two are new flavors. The products, in 20-ounce bottles, are made of tea, water, real sugar, stevia and natural flavors. Stevia is a very low-calorie natural sweetener, made from the leaves of a South American plant. The result is a reduction in calories—50 per eight-ounce serving—and a taste that’s even better, in our opinion, than a pure sugar recipe. They also make good cocktail mixers (just add your favorite white spirit).
  • For diet tea drinkers, new Diet Green Tea with Watermelon joins Diet Green Tea with Citrus flavor. Sweetened with sucralose and acesulfame potassium (Ace-K), they are not all-natural. We hope that Lipton is looking at a switch to stevia.
    The teas retail for $.99 to $1.59 per bottle. The line is certified kosher by OU.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Tasting Beer

    Do you enjoy drinking beer from the bottle?

    If so, you’re not enjoying the aroma, which needs to waft up to your nose from a glass.

    Those who love their beer should emulate wine aficionados, and take the same steps to enhance the experience.

    1. Look: Enjoy the color of the beer, and learn to recognize different styles of beer based on their color. Carbonation is also important. Beer is brewed for immediate consumption. Lack of sufficient bubbles can indicate flatness that comes with age.

    2. Smell. Inhale the aromas from the glass. For example, are they floral, hoppy, malty, nutty, spicy, sweet?

    3. Sip. Let the beer flow over your palate and focus on identifying the flavors: bitter (hoppy), fruity, malty, nutty, spicy, sweet, woody, yeasty (and a host of over terms)? What about the body (also called mouthfeel)? Is it full, medium or light?

    Each beer drinker has his or her own preferences. Even if you think you know what you like, when you learn to properly taste beer, you’ll come to like even more styles and flavors. You can seek out beers that match them by reading reviews.

    A glass of stout. Photo by Dan Hauser | IST.

    To get deeper into beer tasting, see this comprehensive page of beer tasting information from the Birmingham Beverage Company. Scroll towards the bottom to see the Beer Tasting Wheel: all of the flavors and aromas of beer, and where they come from. It’s a huge help in understanding the flavors and aromas of beer—both good and bad.

    Don’t twist your neck trying to read the chart: The details are printed underneath it.

    As you enjoy your beer, check out the different types of beer in our Beer Glossary.


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