TIP OF THE DAY: Sweet Oloroso Sherry

Sherry is a fortified wine from the Jerez region of Spain. It is produced almost exclusively from the Palomino Fino grape. There are two basic types of Sherry: Fino and Oloroso. All other styles—Amontillado, Cream, Manzanilla, Moscatel, Palo Cortado, Pedro Ximenez—are variations of these types. From the Jerez-Xérès-Sherry region of Spain, a sweet Oloroso sherry…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Drink Your Dessert

Some of the most refreshing desserts are the simplest. Put fresh fruit salad in a wine goblet and cover it with a fizzy Moscato d’Asti, a sweet sparkling wine from Italy (our favorite is La Spinetta from Rivetti, with an amazingly low alcohol level of around 6%, similar to beer). The sparkling wine elevates the fruit…
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PRODUCT: Resveratrol, The Antioxidant In Red Wine, In Capsules

Beware of antioxidant hype. You’d have to drink a gallon of red wine a day to get the antioxidant benefit of resveratrol. Fortunately, this is one antioxidant you can buy in capsule form. Photo courtesy of VitaminShoppe.com. Resveratrol is an antioxidant that has gotten a lot of press in the last few years: a polyphenol…
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