PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK: Chocolate Poppers, Coconut Sparkling Water, Ice Cream Mochi

This week’s favorites, in alphabetical order:   BUBBIES: MOCHI ICE CREAM IN HOLIDAY FLAVORS We love mochi, a Japanese sweet treat consisting of a round pouch of rice dough, traditionally filled with red beans or other paste. In the U.S., ice cream often replaces the red beans. If you’re not familiar with mochi (MOE-chee), here’s…
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PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK: Sandwich Crackers From Lance & Honey Stinger Snack Bars

November 3rd is National Sandwich Day, and we’re taking on a different type of sandwich: sandwich crackers. From our perspective, sandwich crackers (photo #1) get pushed into the kids’ snacks category, even though they’re tasty fun for everyone. We rarely come across them at our local news stands or supermarkets. In fact, the penultimate time…
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FOOD FUN: Buffalo Wing Donuts Recipe

For a weekend beer or game-watching, here’s an alternative to Buffalo Wings: Buffalo Wing Donuts! This food fun was created by Foodbeast and Dean’s Ranch Dip (photo #3). The recipe is even easier than chicken wings, because you don’t have to cook the wings. Instead, buy roasted chicken strips (we used Perdue Short Cuts). The…
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SNACK RECIPE: Harvest Munch & Halloween Monster Munch

Who says fun snack mixes are only for kids? You’re never too old to enjoy candy eyes staring up at you from popcorn. This mix, created by the Popcorn Board for National Popcorn Poppin’ Month, October, is fun for harvest and Halloween snacking. Make a double batch and bring some to work or to a…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Beyond Ants On A Log

[1] Ants On A log have friends: like these caterpillars and snails on a log (photo courtesy Woman’s Day: photo Steve Giralt; prop stylist: Megan Hedgpeth; food styling: WD Food Dept). [2] Hummus logs, with either celery, fennel or cucumber logs (photo courtesy Cava). [3] Classic Ants On A Log, given a classy treatment: angled…
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