RECIPES: Holiday Cocktails

It’s a pumpkin pie in a glass. This holiday season, start your guests off with the same flavors that end the meal—pie! These cocktails take advantage of seasonal flavors to perfectly complement your cocktail hour—or dessert. Caramel Apple Pie Cocktail The seasonal flavors of this sweet cocktail come from butterscotch schnapps and real apple cider.…
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CONTEST: Submit The Winning Grill Recipe To Win A Backyard Makeover

“At-home grillmasters” now have the opportunity to put their skills to the test and win a $5,000 backyard makeover. The Crisco Sprays Grilling Hall of Fame contest is inviting grillmasters to share their favorite recipe for a chance to be one of the first inductees into the new Hall Of Fame and win a backyard…
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RECIPES: Celebrate December 5th, Repeal Day

Celebrate Repeal Day with a classic cocktail like a Gin & Tonic. Click here for a recipe. December 5th, “Repeal Day,” celebrates the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution that repealed the 18th Amendment, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition. But this is no ordinary repeal day: It’s the 75th anniversary of the end of…
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FREEBIE: Cookie Of The Day Recipes

Home-baked Christmas butter cookies are a memorable part of the holidays.   From November 28 through December 24, bakers can delight in a daily, delicious butter cookie recipe, along with baking tips, from cookbook author Gale Gand (Gale’s the executive pastry chef and co-owner, with Ric Tramonto, of one of our favorite restaurants, Tru, in…
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RECIPE: Turn Those Leftovers Into A Turkey & Stuffing Casserole

No more dry turkey sandwiches for you! Turn those leftovers into a delicious casserole, courtesy of College Inn Broth (which is also our favorite diet drink, as we try to eat lightly in between holiday parties—it comes in a resealable carton and we microwave a nutritious cup instead of getting the coffee jitters). This recipe…
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