COOKING VIDEO: How Is Candy Corn Made

October 30th is National Candy Corn Day. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 20 million pounds of candy corn are sold during the Halloween season. The iconic Halloween confection was created in the late 1880s by George Roniger of the Wunderlee Candy Company, in Philadelphia. The first three-layer candy, it was made laboriously,…
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Red Candy Apples History & Recipe

Candy apples are a Halloween favorite (photo © Sevenmarie Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0).   Yesterday we published a recipe for caramel apples, also known as toffee apples. Today we present candy apples: the same concept, but with a hard, crackly red candy coating instead of the softer caramel. The practice of coating fruit in sugar syrup…
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Start A Tradition With A Halloween Gingerbread House Kit & Gingerbread House History

Gingerbread houses have long been a popular Christmas tradition. But they may be more appropriate for Halloween. After all, they were inspired by the gingerbread house belonging to the wicked witch done in by Hansel and Gretel. Witches = Halloween.     THE HISTORY OF THE GINGERBREAD HOUSE At the end of the 11th century,…
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FOOD 101: The Difference Between Ascorbic Acid & Citric Acid

Ascorbic acid prevents cut fruit from turning brown. Citric acid provides tart flavor. And dipping apple slices into honey is delicious. Photo by Tova Photography | IST.   In the previous post, we discussed how to make your own lime juice cordial. The recipe contains citric acid. One of our colleagues wondered, “What’s the difference…
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Tomatoes are genetically altered to improve flavor and shelf life. Photo courtesy   What are GMOs, and why should you care? GMOs, genetically modified organisms, are plant and animal organisms that have been created through gene-splicing, a biotechnology technique also known as genetic engineering (GE). This relatively new science allows DNA from one species…
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