GLUTEN-FREE PRODUCT: Scratch & Grain Baking Kits Are Not Just For Kids

Gluten-free writer Georgi Page-Smith writes that Scratch & Grain Baking Kits are not “just for kids.” While the line was created so that children could easily make a batch of cookies or brownies, the quality is so fine that households with no kids can just dig in. During a recent cornbread jag I requested a…
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FOOD FUN: Collectible Tequila Cazadores Bottle

[1] Tequila Cazadores’s limited-edition Mr. Cartoon bottle for El Día de los Muertos (photo courtesy Tequila Cazadores). [2] 100% of proceeds from bandana sales go to Topos México earthquake disaster relief (photo courtesy Mister Cartoon).   Get ready to add this bottle of tequila to your collection, and to stock up for holiday gifting for…
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PRODUCT: Grow Your Own Tea

If you live in hardiness zones 8-10—the southern United States—and have a spot with full sun, you can grow your own tea with plants from Burpee. One individual commenting on the Burpee website had success in Zone 6. Here’s the USDA map of hardiness zones. Tea, Camellia sinensis, is a perennial plant. The same plant…
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PRODUCT: A New Manual Coffee Grinder

Everything is cyclical, even mundane household appliances like the coffee grinder. In centuries past, coffee beans were ground manually. Depending on your age, your great-grandmother ground beans in a rectangular wood or metal mill (or combination) with a ceramic burr. The grains fell into a drawer underneath the mechanism. But technology marches on: first to…
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