TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Biotta Organic Vegetable & Fruit Juices

Who doesn’t love a glass of juice? But, just like like ice cream, burgers or any pleasing food, there’s good, very good and amazing. Biotta raises the juice bar about as high as it can go. It’s beyond delicious—it’s exciting, vibrant and organic to boot! Each of the 16 different bottles of fruit and vegetable…
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TRENDS: American Drinking Habits

We’re drinking less regular soda but more diet soda, bottled water and sports drinks. Some 68% of Americans drank regular soda in 2008, down from 76% in 2003, according to market research firm Mintel. The number of diet soda drinkers rose, with 7.8 million more adults reported drinking diet soda. The greatest changes in Americans’…
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VIEWPOINT: Clamato Tomato Cocktail, The Worst Product Of The Year?

A few weeks ago, we were at a food trade show in San Francisco, tasting away. Almost everything is good, if not electrifying (that is to say, not “Nibblelicious”). But at one booth, an attractive-looking white and dark chocolate pastry with coconut was so vile, we had to spit it out. (As one NIBBLE staffer…
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NEWS: O.J. Has Bigger Carbon Footprint Than Water

According to the U.K.’s Carbon Trust consultancy, Tropicana has revealed that the carbon footprint of a liter of its Pure Premium orange juice—including packaging, distribution and orange growing and squeezing—emits 0.9kg of carbon dioxide. Thirty five percent of the emissions come from the fertilizer used to grow the oranges; the fertilizer alone is responsible for…
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NEWS: Penguin Ice Water Served At Inaugural Ball

We just learned that Penguin Ice waters was served at The Green Ball, held in Washington D.C.’s historic Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium on Inauguration weekend. Designed by noted San Francisco architect Arthur Brown, Jr. between 1926 and 1931, the Mellon Auditorium was completed in 1934 and is the central focus of a tripartite building group…
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