TIP OF THE DAY: Smaller Cheese Bites

Rounds of black sesame-covered goatcheese. Photo courtesy McCormick.com.   Cheese is wonderful, but it’s high in calories and fat, ranging from 80 calories/ounce for fresh goat cheese to 120 calories/ounce for Brie. In our supersize-me society, few turophiles stop at one ounce. It’s easy for cheese lovers to devour half a pound or more! Instead…
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PRODUCT: My House Cookies

Every town should have a bakery that turns out delicious, fresh all-natural cookies. When we were young, the phrase was “just like Grandma used to make.” Grandma’s job has been taken over by artisan bakers, who create everything from scratch in small batches. These cookies are more expensive than supermarket cookies, but they’re well worth…
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