TIP OF THE DAY: Pasta Without The Carbs

Have all the noodles you want; these tofu shirataki are very low in calories. Photo courtesy House Foods.   Why is “comfort food” high-carb food? What’s a pasta lover to do? Well, there’s spaghetti squash, and you can shred zucchini into a form that cooks up like pasta (and is delicious topped with sauce and…
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PRODUCT: Tofu Shirataki Noodles

Ready-to-eat in two minutes. Photo courtesy House-Foods.com. Shirataki noodles like Miracle Noodle have been imported from Asia for a while: good news for people who want food that is cholesterol-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free and vegan. They’re very low in calories in their undressed form: a boon to dieters. Shirataki is made from the root of…
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