TIP OF THE DAY: Tomatoes With Flavored Sea Salt

Here’s an easy hors d’oeuvre or snack that’s delicious and different: cherry tomatoes with a choice of flavored sea salts. Simply set out toothpicks and let family and guests enjoy a succulent cherry or grape tomato with a dip of flavorful salt. Choose salts with contrasting colors, flavors and textures (crunchier coarse salt versus fine…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Why Use Sea Salt?

Bid adieu to one of food’s icons, the Morton Salt Girl, whose highly refined, iodized salt is too salty for table use. Instead, accent your food with the far more vivid flavors of sea salts. Sea salts are dehydrated from ocean water. They are not refined like table salts, so contain traces of calcium, iron,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Spectacular Salts

Alaea, Hawaiian sea salt, in coarse and fine grains. Photo courtesy Saltworks.us. “Sea salt” is not a generic product. There are many different varieties evaporated from different bodies of water worldwide, from England and France to Greece to Japan. The salts have the “goût de terroir” (goot duh tur-WAHR)—the flavor of the particular waters from…
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SALT & SEASONINGS: Cutting Down On Sodium In 2010

Americans eat way too much salt. Our processed foods and recipes are packed with much more than is good for you (the same for sugar). Only 11% of the sodium in our diets comes from our own saltshakers; nearly 80% is added to foods before they are sold. The National Salt Reduction Initiative will be…
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