FOOD FUN: Ice Cream Topped With An Itty Bitty

The Izzy Scoop, topped with an Itty Bitty. Photo courtesy Izzy’s Ice Cream.   Move over, sprinkles: There’s a better ice cream topping in town—at least, if your town is Minneapolis or St. Paul. There, Izzy’s Ice Cream, an artisan scoop shop, has a repertoire of 150 flavors. And the good news is, you can…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Ice Cream Cone Tips

A marshmallow in the tip means no drip. Photo by Agg | Dreamstime. To keep an ice cream cone from dripping, stuff a miniature marshmallow or two into the bottom of the cone. It will plug up the tip so that ice cream doesn’t drip through. Want to make fancy dipped ice cream cones, like…
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