Chimichurri Sauce Recipe For Grilled Steak, Poultry & More

July 9th is Argentina’s Independence Day, Día de la Independencia. The independence of Argentina from Spain was declared on July 9th, 1816. Celebrate with this blender chimichurri sauce recipe and your favorite grilled food. Chimichurri (chih-mee-CHOO-ree) is Argentina’s national condiment. In Spanish, it’s a salsa (each Latin American country has its own salsa recipes). In…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make A Versatile Parsley Vinaigrette

Mince extra parsley for a vinaigrette and sauce. Photo courtesy Andrews McMeel Publishing.   Have leftover parsley? Many of us keep unused stalks until they wilt, yellow and lose their flavor. Don’t let that happen: Fresh parsley adds punch to a vinaigrette—and not just for salads. Use a parsley vinaigrette with: Bean salad Boiled potatoes…
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