THE NIBBLE BLOG: Products, Recipes & Trends In Specialty Foods

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NEW PRODUCT: Gluten-Free Lasagna & Meatballs

Nothing makes us happier than a good lasagna—and this one will make people on gluten-free diets extremely happy. Made by Food Matters, a company that makes frozen prepared foods catering to dietary needs, we’d be happy to fill our freezer with these. Then, when we have a lasagna jones—often—we’d have a Food Matters lasagna piping hot in 20 minutes, rather than the alternative (spend three hours making our own, or take a long cab ride downtown to the one place in town that makes better lasagna than we do). The meatballs (not shown) also rock. Food Matters will deliver overnight to anywhere in the U.S. If you have friends with gluten allergies, they’ll love this gift! Read our full review in the Pasta Section of THE NIBBLE online magazine.   Gluten-Free Lasagna
So good, so gluten-free. No one will realize it, though: It tastes like any really good lasagna.

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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Iveta Cream Scones

Iveta Scones
Moist, creamy
Iveta Scones are a departure from the dry, traditional variety. These raspberry scones are among our favorites.

Today’s scones are quick breads, similar to American biscuits. They are traditionally made with wheat flour, sugar, baking powder or baking soda, butter, milk and eggs, and baked in the oven—both in the traditional wedge form and in round, square and diamond shapes.

We don’t enjoy traditional, hard, dry scones. They come from an earlier time, when cooking wasn’t as easy as it is today. The Scots, and others who enjoyed them back then, covered them with butter, jam (and more later, clotted cream), to take the edge off the dryness.

But the cream scones from Iveta Scones—called cream scones because they substitute cream for the butter and eggs—are a moist delight that require no further embellishment (but go ahead—slather them with lemon curd and Devon cream).

They’re available in 16 flavors plus sugar-free Vanilla. Read about our favorites—for even among a line that is uniformly delicious, there are standouts.

Gift boxed and around $6.00, they make nice house gifts and—thinking ahead—stocking stuffers. Better yet, you can have delicious scones in 20 minutes, just by adding cream to the mix, shaping and baking. The scones also substitute for shortbread biscuits.

While scones can be found in many flavors today—both sweet and savory—traditional English scones may include raisins or currants, but are often plain, relying on jam, preserves, lemon curd or honey for added flavor—perhaps with a touch of clotted cream.

You may have heard two different pronunciations for “scone.” Which is the authentic one? They both are! The word is pronounced “skahn” in Scotland and Northern England (rhymes with gone) and “skoan” in the south of England (rhymes with own), the pronunciation adopted by the U.S. and Canada.

Read more in the The History of Scones. You’ll also find the difference between clotted cream, Devon cream, and other scone mysteries. See more of our favorite scones and other bread products in the Bread Section of THE NIBBLE online magazine.

Iveta Scones are a Nibble Top Pick Of The Week. Head to that review, or head to to buy some now.


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GOURMET GIVEAWAY: Gourmet Salted Caramels

Take this week’s Gourmet Giveaway food trivia quiz and learn more about caramels. You’ll have the opportunity to win one of our very favorite candies. Das Caramelini Salted Caramels were a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week, and we just can’t get enough of them. Three winners will get gift boxes that include Lavender, Chocolate & Toasted Walnut and Candied Ginger & Pistachio (shown here)—each more heavenly than the next. But you need to take the quiz by midnight, Eastern Time on Sunday, April 13th. You don’t have to answer correctly in order to win.Read about more of our favorite caramels in the Old-Fashioned Candy Section of THE NIBBLE online magazine.   Das Salt Caramels
Ginger & Pistachio is just one of the stunning flavors of Das Caramelini Salted Caramels.

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NEW PRODUCT: Boursin Garlic & Red Pepper Cheese + Free Tote Bag

Our childhood favorite, Garlic & Fine Herbs Boursin cheese, still tastes great on a bagel, as part of an hors d’oeuvre (we stuff cherry tomatoes with it), on a sandwich, crumbled into salads and pasta dishes, in a stuffed chicken breast and any number of uses. Now, the brand has partnered with the Susan G. Komen Foundation, making a $50,000 cash donation plus a special consumer mail-in offer. Through April 30th (while supplies last), you’ll get a free pink tote and will donate $1 to the foundation for two proofs-of-purchase from any Boursin flavor. The ladies at THE NIBBLE were tickled pink with this purse-size tote, and your teen, tween, young adult or eternal pink-lover will want it too. It’s a great deal, and a great cause. During the special promotion, Boursin Garlic & Fine Herbs will wear pink packaging, too (shown in the tote bag), and is joined by a new flavor, Garlic & Roasted Red Pepper Boursin (in front of the tote bag). Other flavors include Fig Raisin & Nut (try it with fruit for dessert), Garlic & Fine Herbs Light, and Pepper, Shallot & Chive. Learn more at   BoursinHow can you resist! Buy two packages of Boursin and send for your free tote bag by April 30th.
Read about our favorite cheeses in the Cheese Section of THE NIBBLE online magazine.

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CYBERPIRACY: Having Your Blog Stolen By CyberThieves

It’s Topeka
Internet pirate? This image is on the contact form of, which stole hundreds of posts from this blog and presented them as its own. It might be Barclay Mead, who is the site owner and administrator.
  Regular readers of this blog will note that there have been no postings for several weeks. That’s because we discovered that our entire blog—going back several months—had been stolen by two different websites, which have been presenting it as their own content. We mean every word, every photo, every caption, just as we have written it. There is a tiny note at the bottom to “see the original post,” but what they have presented IS the original post. There is nothing else to see. And, while this does not mitigate their stealing our content, they don’t even mention THE NIBBLE, as in, “See the original post on”
Theft is an aggravation to deal with—time consuming, costly and emotionally draining. As those of you who have been stolen from know, first you feel violated. Material goods can be replaced; but if your work has been stolen from you and presented by others as their own, you feel doubly violated. And if the others are making money selling your work (by using it as content on pages where they sell ads), and your stolen, duplicated content now causes search engines to down-rank your website (because duplicate content is not valued in the rankings like original content)…well, why extend your already-long workday by several hours to continue to create such content?
Since neither of the alleged perpetrators responded to our cease-and-desist request, we decided our choice was to continue to work for them for free and penalize ourselves, or stop publishing.
About Taking Content From The Internet. It would be nice to think that we could all have our work done for us for free—and apparently, Barclay Mead, owner of in Kansas, and Aviram Yosef of Jerusalem, Israel, owner of, feel that anything online is free for the taking (or, that they can avoid paying because no one will spend the money to come after them for it). While it is easy to take content from another website without permission, and many people do, that does not make it legal. While we have not heard from him, Mr. Mead may have gotten advice from counsel, because he seems to have taken down the three months of daily material he pirated from our website. Or, perhaps he’s just waiting for us to start supplying him with fresh content.While our attorney prepares to deal with these cyberpirates, we are sticking a toe back into the water to create some posts. We’re sorry that you have been penalized for the ill doings of others. We’ll see what happens this time around.

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