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NEWS: What Happened To The Chesapeake Blue Crab

Maryland’s iconic blue crab is on the list of the Top 25 Things Vanishing From America according to In 2007, the Chesapeake Bay saw the lowest harvest since 1945, just 22 million pounds; 40 years ago the harvest was 96 million pounds. There are only about 120 million crabs in the Bay, and officials estimate that 200 million are needed for a sustainable population. Overfishing, pollution, invasive species and global warming are the culprits. The federal government granted the state $20 million to combat the problem, although, as the post notes, legislators were more worried about helping save jobs for the crabbers than the disappearing species. But in this economy, who’s shelling out $200 for a bucket of blues? Read the full story. crab - blue crabs in pot

Only the males have blue claws; but both males and females end up the same color—orange—when cooked. Photo by Michael Thompson | IST.

– Learn more about the different grades of crabmeat.
– See the different types of crab in our Crab Glossary.

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RESTAURANTS: The Heart Attack Grill

Those whose New Year’s resolutions don’t include healthy eating should high-tail to Chandler, Arizona for a feast at the Heart Attack Grill. Yes, that’s the name, and the sign on the door of this burger bar says, < Caution! This establishment is BAD for your health! > How bad?

– The hamburger buns are coated in lard
– There’s no lettuce on the burgers
– There’s no salad bar, but a fries bar, with as many fries as you want, fried in lard and laden with all the cheese sauce you want
– There’s no diet soda or light beer
You get the picture…and you’ll get much more when you watch the video.

Watch CBS Videos Online.

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CONTEST: Healthy Bread Contest

The 2009 National Festival of Breads, sponsored by King Arthur Flour and Kansas Wheat, want to emphasize the role that bread plays in a healthy and active lifestyle. If you have an original yeast bread recipe, you could become a finalist to receive a $500 cash award and a trip to Wichita, Kansas, to compete for additional prizes. The Grand Prize Winner will receive an all-expenses paid trip to a baking class of his/her choice at the King Arthur Flour Baking Education Center in Norwich, Vermont (see the class schedule at–you may want to plan a “baking vacation” this year). Five special awards of $500 cash may be given, depending on entries received, to: Best Recipe Using White Whole Wheat Flour (at least 75% white whole wheat flour in recipe), Best Recipe Using Cranberries, Best Recipe Using Cheese, Best Recipe Using Nuts and Best Recipe Using Raisins. Inspired? See the full contest rules at
– THE NIBBLE’s entire January issue is devoted to healthy foods. Check out the Table of Contents.

– Our Diet Nibbles Section includes fat-free, gluten-free, low-calorie and sugar free foods (that also taste great—NIBBLE Criterion #1).

– If your goal is to eat more organic food this year, check out our NutriNibbles Section—all organic and wellness foods.

Happy New Year from all of us at THE NIBBLE.

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TRENDS: Restaurants Go Greener

According to Chinese Restaurant News, there are almost one million restaurants in the U.S., each generating an average of 50,000 pounds of waste annually, and using an average of 300,000 gallons of water. A quarter of restaurants say they are planning to go green(er) in 2009, showing the environmentally conscious diner that they are more eco-friendly.

Perhaps the most challenged are the nation’s 45,000+ Chinese restaurants, where the demand for, and the nature of, take-out food utilizes disposable containers, many of which include non-recyclable plastic and styrofoam. On January 5th, at the Annual Top 100 Chinese Restaurants in the USA Awards Show & Conference, a “Cooking Towards a Greener Future” educational seminar will discuss why it’s important for Chinese restaurants to create a sustainable business that is good for all stakeholders—the environment, employees, diners and the neighborhood—while saving energy and improving profits.

Next time you order Chinese take-out, forgo the
non-recyclable styrofoam and plastic containers
and silverware.
We have a suggestion: Ask if the customer wants soy sauce, duck sauce and mustard, and how much. Ask if they need utensils: Why does food going to a home require plastic forks and spoons? How many millions of these items get thrown out unused each year? We ask for these items, and the complimentary fried noodles, to be left out. (Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.) We’ve asked our restaurant not to pack the salad in a styrofoam bowl, but to choose something recyclable. While waiting for your restaurateur to get greener, you can let your voice be heard! It may not have great impact, but at least you’ll have done your part. Now we can hope that Chinese Restaurant News will publish some actionable checklist for restaurateurs.

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FREEBIE: Cascadian Farm Organic Chocolate Chip Granola Bar

chocolate-chip-chewy-granola-bar Cascadian Farm is giving away free sample-sized organic Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bars through January 30, 2009, while supplies last. It’s the company’s top selling snack bar, and a nice little treat made from healthy ingredients such as organic rice syrup, organic rolled oats, organic chocolate chips and organic whole milk (see the complete ingredients list on the website).

Just visit and click on the FREE SAMPLE box. In order to share the wealth, there’s a limit of one free sample per person. You must be 18 years or older and reside in the U.S. You can buy the bars online, and there’s a retail store locator (both are in the Products section of the website).

Cascadian Farm is one of the country’s leading brands of organic foods. Therer’s a real 28-acre working farm where it all started, 35 years ago, in the foothills of the Washington’s North Cascades mountain range. You can visit if you’re in the area.

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