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TIP OF THE DAY: Christmas Leftovers Pot Pie

Cut the air vents on the crust with
star-shaped cookie cutters. Photo courtesy
Betty Crocker.

  Last month, chef Johnny Gnall suggested creative ways to use Thanksgiving leftovers. Today, he does the same with Christmas leftovers. If you have questions or suggestions for tips, email Chef Johnny.

This past Thanksgiving, I got creative and turned my leftovers into dumplings: from turkey, to Brussels sprouts, to cranberry sauce, to some mascarpone leftover from making scrumptious mashed potatoes, I made sure all leftovers were represented, resulting in a delicious array of flavor combinations.

Now, what to do with the Christmas in the fridge? Make a delicious pot pie!


One dish with universal appeal is the classic turkey pot pie. You can substitute ham, lamb or whatever your holiday protein.

Pot pies are a refreshing and different way to turn leftovers into excitement. What might have seemed boring becomes nestled in a savory sauce beneath a savory, gold-brown crust.



Making the pie dough is pretty simple:

  • START with 1½ cups of all-purpose flour. I like to do a mix of whole wheat and white flours, about half and half, but the choice is yours.
  • ADD a heaping tablespoon each of salt and sugar, plus a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar.
  • MIX in ½ cup of chilled butter that has been coarsely grated on a box grater. Grating the butter makes it easier to incorporate into the flour without overworking.
  • ADD ice water, a few tablespoons at a time, until the dough comes together; then knead and form into a ball.
  • WRAP in plastic and chill for an hour, then remove and roll into a sheet roughly ¼ inch thick.
  • STRETCH the dough over a greased pie dish and cut around with a knife to fit the dish, gently pressing the dough flush against its surface to create your shell. Then collect the scraps, and re-roll to cut out the “lid” for your pie.
  • VENT the lid: Lightly puncture the top crust with a fork a few times or cut slits so that steam can escape while the pie bakes. Or, use a miniature cookie cutter to create decorative vents as in the photo.
  • BAKE for 10-15 minutes at 350°F just to get the shell dry, but not baked to golden-brown. Doing this will help the bottom crust stay dryer and crisper once it’s filled. Set the pre-baked shell aside to cool and the lid in the fridge until it’s time to use it.


    When it comes to making the filling for your pie, the goal is a moist, flavorful base, and the sky’s the limit when it comes to ingredients for filling.

  • Shredded or diced turkey, ham or lamb plus vegetables like peas or carrots are obvious choices. But you can think outside the box: Toss in a little bit of leftover green bean casserole. Or how about some stuffing for a little carb-on-carb lovin’?
  • Get creative in using up those dishes that always seem to sit in the fridge for the longest after the holidays.
  • I like the combination of Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes with a hit of cranberry sauce for a slightly lighter, vegetarian recipe.
  • All ingredients should be cut or torn into a small dice or similar size.

    You can also make individual pot pies. Photo courtesy McCormick.



    You need a sauce to bring everything together in your pot pie; the type is up to you.

  • I like to collect all the gelatinous drippings from the bottom of the turkey pan and use that as my sauce. With all the fat and collagen and gelatin that a slow-roasted turkey releases, often that roasting liquid can be all you need.
  • If you find your drippings to be on the thin side, you can strain them and make a basic velouté, which is what you make when drippings or stock are whisked into roux. For assistance making a roux, check out our tip on thickeners.
  • You can also whisk in some cream or milk instead of just stock, which is sort of a hybrid of velouté and béchamel. However you arrive at it, make sure you season your sauce well, as it provides the backdrop of flavor that brings your whole pie together.

  • COMBINE the sauce and leftovers. Pour the mixture into the pre-baked shell and top with the vented lid.
  • DRIZZLE with a thin stream of honey and a generous sprinkling of sea salt. If you have it, use flaked salt, like Maldon. The honey will caramelize as your pot pie bakes and create a beautiful pattern.
    Don’t worry if your first pie isn’t perfect. You may need to scale up the dough recipe if you find that your shell or lid aren’t quite big enough, but this shouldn’t be a problem as the ingredients for crust are inexpensive.

    Have fun and experiment with ingredients. You may create a new holiday leftovers classic!

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward All

    Christmas cupcakes. Photo courtesy
      Very Best Holiday Wishes

    From All Of Us At




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    RECIPE: Christmas Meringues

    No-fat, no-gluten meringues are a light
    dessert with coffee or tea. Photo courtesy

      Meringues are a light dessert that go well with coffee, tea or a scoop of ice cream. They’re dairy-free, fat-free and gluten-free. They’re a treat for your guests or a a delightful gift for your holiday hosts.

    Lauryn Cohen of shows how to turn the pallid white meringue into a holiday meringue bursting with red and green accents.


  • 3 large egg whites, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • Red food coloring
  • Green food coloring
  • Disposable piping bag or plastic bag with corner cut
  • 1M star tip for piping
  • Preparation

    1. PREHEAT oven to 200°F. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

    2. ADD the egg whites, sugar and vanilla in the metal bowl of a stand mixer add. Place over a medium saucepan of simmering water. Stir until the sugar melts and the mixture is almost clear.

    3. PLACE the bowl into the stand mixer and, using the whisk attachment, whip for 8 minutes on medium-high. The meringue should be glossy and stiff.

    4. BRUSH a line of red food coloring onto the inside of the piping bag, using either a small paint brush or a lollipop stick. Repeat with the green on the opposite side of the bag. Fill with the meringue and pipe into roses or star dollops onto your baking sheets.

    5. PLACE in the oven and bake for 1 hour 45 minutes. Remove and cool completely on a wire rack.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Healthy Cooking Classes

    Regardless of how much cooking experience they have, many cooks don’t know the basics of cooking healthy meals. On the other hand, some people can’t cook at all, so rely on prepared foods packed with salt, sugar and bad fats.

    That’s why our final pre-Christmas tip is to give yourself or your loved ones healthy cooking classes. It’s smart to include adolescents, teens and young adults: Most eating habits are learned at home.

    That’s why we love the gift of understanding how to make nutritious and calorie-wise foods:

  • How to make the bounty of fresh vegetables extremely appealing—not just the basic veggies but chard, collards, fennel, kale, leeks and more
  • Appealing ways to serve fruit for dessert
  • How to select lean meats and poultry
    Vegetables can be as exciting as any other foods. Photo courtesy
  • How to choose tastier grains and starches
  • How to add nuts and seeds for flavor, texture and nutrition
  • How the right herbs and spices make everything more appealing
  • Easy cooking techniques that save calories without sacrificing flavor
    And it’s a great last minute gift: You need only a holiday card. Just write, “This card entitles you to a gift of healthy cooking classes at the school of your choice.”


    You’ll find healthy cooking classes at local cooking schools, Ys, community colleges, adult education centers and natural foods stores such as Whole Foods Market.

    Just search “healthy cooking classes” and your town.

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    GIFT: Change The Life Of A Needy Family

    The best gift of all: a cow, goat, sheep or
    chickens to a very needy family. Photo
    courtesy Heifer International.

      If you’re finished with shopping for nice-but-not-life-changing gifts for the people you care about, how about helping a family you don’t know, who will be grateful to you forever?

    Perhaps the most important gift catalog is from Heifer International, which provides indigent families with a cow or other livestock: a reliable source of food for the children and also a reliable source of income. Extra milk from a cow, goat or sheep, or eggs from a poultry gift, can be sold at the local market.

    You can give the gift in the name of someone else: a double gift, as it were, giving the person who has everything the donation of a food animal to a family that has nothing. This truly meaningful gift will change the lives of a third-world family in need.


    Income from the milk or eggs, coupled with the training in sustainable practices that the family receives, allows them to clothe their families, obtain medical care and send the children to school.

    It’s not just cows: You can give a goat or sheep, a beehive, chickens, ducks or geese. The cost of a gift is as little as $20…or less:

    You can buy a “share” in a cow or sheep for just $10. Take a look at the options.

    Your cousin may not need those extra iTunes, but a needy family sure could use that flock of chickens ($20).

    Check out the options.


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