PRODUCT: Deluxe Honeydrop Honey Drink

Love honey? Want a natural, sweet drink without sugar? The makers of Deluxe Honeydrop invite you to “bee alive” with their line of noncarbonated, honey-infused beverages, an alternative to the juice drinks and sweet flavored waters on the market. USDA-certified organic and OU-certified kosher, in BPA-free bottles, this is a drink one can feel good…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Essential Cane Sweet, Hot & Spicy Finishing Sugars

You don’t have to be a skilled chef to know there are secret ingredients that, with just a sprinkle or a splash, can turn an ordinary dish into something special—something that makes family and friends think that you are one step removed from entering the Top Chef competition. These bottles, jars and cans are what…
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CONTEST: Create A Bee-licious Peanut Butter Sandwich Recipe

Enter to win a “sweet” peanut butter prize.   There’s still time to enter Peanut Butter & Co.’s Bee-licious Sandwich Contest, showcasing the company’s newest flavor, The Bee’s Knees, peanut butter blended with (you guessed it) honey. Peanut Butter fans are invited to submit a sandwich recipe featuring The Bee’s Knees, for the honor of…
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GOURMET GIVEAWAY: Win Gourmet Honey Mustards

Like honey? Then you’ll want to try these three our gourmet honey mustard dips from award-winning specialty food producer Robert Rothschild. There’s Raspberry Honey Mustard Pretzel Dip, Blackberry Honey Mustard Pretzel Dip, Honey Chipotle Pretzel Dip and for “dessert,” a Raspberry Chocolate Pretzel Dip. Also included is a book of exciting recipes, in case you’d…
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TODAY IN FOOD: It’s Molasses Bar Day

Dark molasses.   If you’d like to bake molasses bars to celebrate National Molasses Bar Day (February 8th), you can find many recipes online. But first: What is molasses? Known in the U.K. as treacle, it’s a thick syrup produced as a by-product during the refining of sugar cane. Molasses is the residue that is…
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