TIP OF THE DAY: Unusual Ice Creams

Today is Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day. Our wine editor is in demand for his beet, lavender and saffron ice creams—and he even makes ice cream from rare black truffle. If you don’t have time to make something special, look in your specialty foods store. One of our favorites, Reed’s Ginger Ice Cream (available at…
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GOURMET TRAVEL: Oceania Cruises For Foodies

Sail the epicurean seas when the Marina debuts in 2010. The Love Boat was the cruise ship for those seeking love (at least in the fictitious world of TV). If you’re looking for a great food experience, head for Oceania Cruises’ Marina, the new Regatta-class flagship, when it launches next year. You’ll be able to…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Waffles For International Waffle Day

It’s International Waffle Day! Make your favorite waffles for breakfast, lunch or dessert. For a savory main course, top waffles with sour cream or crème fraîche and salmon caviar; with smoked salmon or poached salmon, sour cream and dill; with poached chicken or seafood and dill; with creamed chicken or seafood and mushrooms. For dessert,…
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TRENDS: Whole Foods Over-Stretches The Definition Of “Local”

Most food-centric people are interested in “local” foods these days: to support their local family farms; to eat foods in season, when they taste the best; and for environmental reasons, because locally-grown food doesn’t have to be transported long distances, which saves on fossil fuel. While “local” has become a hot marketing word, we think…
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FREEBIE: Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt, Friday 6/26

Get your free swirl on Friday. If you’re reading this after Friday, you can still enjoy Pinkberry—just not for free! If you like frozen yogurt and live near a Pinkberry store, you’re in luck. This Friday, June 26 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Pinkberry is giving away “free swirls” in celebration of its new…
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