TIP OF THE DAY: Pairing Beer With Summer Produce

[1] Grilled mushrooms and grilled pineapple with baby arugula and shaved parmesan. Enjoy the earthy mushrooms with a darker beer: amber lager, porter, or stout (photo courtesy Urban Accents). [2] Corn should be enjoyed with a lighter beer: American lager, German wheat beer or saison. Here’s the recipe for this delicious plate of elote, Mexican…
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PRODUCT: Rogue Ale’s American Amber Ale For Independence Day

Oregon craft brewer Rogue Ales toasts America with the annual release of its American Amber Ale. It’s the brew’s 28th year, and has been our beer of choice for July 4th celebrations since we first came across it. Another Independence Day favorite is Liberty Ale (center photo), an IPA from San Francisco’s Anchor Brewing Company.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cider Tasting For Mother’s Day

Drier ciders work better with meats. Photo courtesy Angry Orchard.   Skip the Pinot Grigio and taste some cider for Mother’s Day. It’s more novel than wine, and will suit any guest: Cider is equally popular among men and women, whereas beer is significantly more popular among men*. Cider is also gluten-free and less filling…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Beer Day

Top: Amber ale with blue cheese from the EatWisconsinCheese.com. Bottom: Burger and a lager at The Palm.   What will you do on April 7th, National Beer Day? Drink beer, of course. Hopefully, you’ll choose a complex craft beer instead of something mass-produced and bland. Depending on your age, it may seem that craft breweries…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Authentic Irish Beer Styles

Forget the green beer on St. Patrick’s Day: It’s going to be the cheapest brew on tap. Who would color craft beer green? If you must do so, go for the palest style, Wheat Beer, a.k.a. Weissbier, Weizenbier and Witbier. It takes the color best. Instead of the green stuff, consider two beer styles with…
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