M&Ms Pie Crust Recipe: Roll M&Ms Into The Bottom Of Your Pie - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures M&Ms Pie Crust Recipe: Roll M&Ms Into The Bottom Of Your Pie
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M&Ms Pie Crust Recipe: Roll M&Ms Into The Bottom Of Your Pie

Today’s article is an “oops.” We originally found this fun pie crust idea (photo #1) in our Twitter feed. It was from The Cupcake Project, “Repost from @chefclubtv via @kitchen.tv.”

Our process for cataloguing ideas is to take a screen shot with the URL or social media handle; then, if we want to share it, go back to the site and get more information about the author and the recipe.

In this case, we couldn’t find the post for an M&Ms pie crust under @cupcakeproject, @chefclubtv or @kitchen.tv.

We looked and looked and looked. We searched Twitter, Facebook, Google Images and the Internet overall.

There was a video attached to the recipe (photo #2). We searched YouTube and couldn’t find it there, either.

We found lots of other M&Ms pie crust ideas, but not anything like this one, which rolls the M&Ms under the rim of the crust (a relative of Domino’s hot dog pizza crust).

So we tried our best to provide instructions, below.

If you know where we can find the original recipe, please let us know so we can link to it.

Surprise your friends and family when you hide M&M candies in your pie crust.

1. ROLL out your pie crust with an extra inch in diameter to roll over the M&Ms.

2. PLACE a rim of M&Ms around the bottom edge of the pie crust. (The photos show Peanut M&Ms. There are 11 flavors of M&Ms!)

3. ROLL the crust over the M&Ms. You should have enough dough to pinch or flute the top rim of the pie.

4. FILL with your favorite filling and bake as usual.

Your own palate will guide you. Ours pointed us to cream pies.

There are so many different flavors of M&Ms these days, that you can conceive many more pairings.

The current M&Ms flavor lineup includes Almond, Caramel, Coffee Nut, Crispy, Dark Chocolate, Fudge Brownie, Milk Chocolate, Mint Peanut, Peanut Butter, Pretzel and White Chocolate.

Here are pairings for the two main flavors:

Fillings That Pair With Milk Chocolate M&Ms

  • Chocolate Chess Pie (recipe)
  • Chocolate Cream Pie (recipe)
  • Cream Cheese Cream Pie (recipe)
  • Sugar Cream Pie (recipe)
    Pie Fillings That Pair With Peanut Or Peanut Butter M&Ms

  • Peanut Butter Cream Pie (recipe)
  • Peanut Butter & Pretzel Cream Pie (recipe)
  • Creamy Chocolate-Banana Pie (recipe)


    M&Ms were created in New Jersey in 1941 by Forrest E. Mars, Sr., son of the Mars Company founder, Frank C. Mars.

    During the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, the story goes, he saw soldiers eating Smarties* candies—chocolate pellets surrounded by a colored shell of hardened sugar syrup, which prevented the chocolate from melting.


    [1] M&Ms pie crust (photos #1 and #2 via Kitchen.tv).

    [2] We wish we could find the video, but this arrow doesn’t lead anywhere.

    [3] Get out the M&Ms and get to work. The history of M&Ms is below (photo © Robert Anasch | Unsplash).

    [4] Ripped off: The idea for M&Ms was copied from Smarties (photo © Fritish | CC By SA 2.0 License).

    Did Mars have to find them in Spain? Both companies were located in New Jersey [more]!

    He copied the idea and varied the product enough—both the chocolate filling and the shape of the candy, which is rounder than the flat Smarties—to receive a patent.

    The two Ms of M&Ms represent the initials of Forrest Mars Sr. and Bruce Murrie, son of Hershey Chocolate’s president William F. R. Murrie. Murrie had a 20% share in the profits due to his ability to provide Hershey cocoa to Mars (Hershey had control of the rationed cocoa, the prime ingredient of chocolate, at the time).

    Not surprisingly, the first major customer for M&Ms was the U.S. Army. Wwth chocolate rationing during World War II, M&Ms were exclusively sold to the military. Here’s more of the history.



    *The brand is now owned by Nestlé, with headquarters in London.


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