TIP OF THE DAY: Composed Salad | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Composed Salad | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Composed Salad

A composed salad (salade composée in French) is not tossed. Rather, the dish is brought to the table with the ingredients arranged separately (and artistically) on individual serving plates, with a ramekin of dressing. The diner can take a forkful of whatever ingredients he or she wishes.

In this recipe from Cookie and Kate for Avocados From Mexico, the composed salad is prepared in a family-size bowl. It can be tossed at the table, or diners can pick and choose their ingredients.


In addition to the lettuce(s) of choice, add:

  • Beans/peas/chickpeas
  • Capers
  • Cheese: diced or crumbled
  • Crunch: Chinese noodles, croutons, nuts/seeds, taco strips, water chestnuts
  • Hard-cooked eggs
  • Fish/Shellfish: anchovies, crab, shrimp, tuna, etc.

    Bring a composed salad to the table. Photo courtesy Cookie and Kate | Avocados From Mexico.

  • Fruit: apple/pear, dried fruit (blueberries, cherries, raisins), orange segments
  • Meats: bacon, beef, chicken, ham, lamb, pork, leftovers
  • Olives
  • Potatoes, boiled/steamed and diced or sliced
  • Red cabbage
  • Vegetables: asparagus, beet, bell pepper, carrot, celery, corn, cucumber, kale, onion, radish, tomato or other favorite
    The taco salad in the photo adds a mound of guacamole in the middle.

    What‘s your favorite salad combination?


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